When Do German Shepherd Puppies Start Barking? Explore With Useful Tips!!!

German Shepherd barking in white background

German Shepherd puppies are just like human children, they are unable to use their vocal cords just after birth. German Shepherd pups use whiny sounds when they are two weeks old and you must be willing to listen to their actual sound as there must be curiosity in your mind, when do your German Shepherd pups will start barking?

German Shepherd puppies start using their vocal cord when they become 2 to 3 weeks older as a result they start barking. The first vocalization symbol for your pup is grunting or whining when they are around 7 or 8 weeks older. As they become mature their bark deepens which they use to convey their messages.

Not only German Shepherd pups but all canine pups use barking for their communication which only the dog owner has to interpret. However, it will also become essential to learn their vocalization which will allow you to know better about their barking behavior and their communication.

This post is all about the vocalization of your German Shepherd pups that is going to be a very informative one as here you will be able to learn:

  • At What age do German Shepherd puppies start barking?
  • Why do German Shepherds bark?
  • How do you get your German Shepherd pup not to bark?
  • How do get your German Shepherd to bark?

Let’s go through the topic and discuss it in detail as there is a lot to know and a lot to discuss if your German Shepherd barks more often:

At What Age Do German Shepherd Puppies Start Barking?

German Shepherd puppy barking

German Shepherd barks more often to communicate with others by a means of their skill known as barking. Although at the very initial stage of their life German Shepherd dog whine or grunt as they are unable to vocalize but once they become mature they become self-sufficient to bark. You must also be wondering at what age your German Shepherd puppy starts barking.

The vocalization period among German Shepherd pups starts when they can open their eyes and ears at around the age of 2 to 3 weeks. When German Shepherd pups become 7 to 8 weeks older they start barking as they are now mature enough to express their feeling.

Some of the German Shepherd pups are not able to bark even after a month but they will do grunting or whine. Though their bark deepens as they grow by their age. Though some German Shepherd pups wait for 16 weeks before they start barking, it will depend on the breeding process.

Barking is a very essential part of your German Shepherd pup. It plays a very crucial role in communication with your canine friend. All dog owners learn all the activities they do for their communication as they are not able to tell you their feeling directly but they do express their feeling by barking.

Do German Shepherd puppies bark a lot?

German Shepherd puppies chasing and barking in the yard

German Shepherds have a natural and instinctive response to barking but if your dog breed is barking aggressively due to any situation may worsen the situation. Here you must be eager to know do GSD barks a lot.

Yes, German Shepherd puppies bark a lot. Being a herding breed, German Shepherds are naturally vocal breed. They use barking as a way to communicate with their owners and can be quite vocal in unfamiliar situations or when they need attention from their owners.

Proper training and socialization can help reduce the amount of barking that German Shepherd puppies do, but it is important to remember that this breed will still bark out of instinct.

It is also important to note that some German Shepherd dogs may be more prone to excessive barking than others due to their personalities.

With consistent training, however, you can reduce the frequency and amount of barking your puppy does so it won’t become a nuisance.

Let’s also discuss why your German Shepherd puppy bark more often.

Why Do German Shepherd Puppy Bark More Often?

German Shepherd puppy on road

German Shepherd puppies use barking as a tool where they communicate or express their feelings. They are a very intelligent breed but they are not able to tell you directly like humans about their feelings. They do bark more often if they want to communicate with you or want to express their feelings.

German Shepherd pups start barking at the age of 2 to 3 weeks and their barking also deepens when they become older. We all know that German Shepherd pups are vocal dog breeds and they require the right age to start barking but there may be many reasons they may bark more often so it becomes more important to monitor their behavior.

Here are some of the vital reasons your German Shepherd pup may bark more often.


Your German Shepherd pup is too small and young and the people around them as well as the environment is all new for them. There may be a higher chance for them to be fearful if he or they are not able to see anyone around them. This may lead them to bark more often.

German Shepherd pups bark more often due to fear. There may be something that may be afraid of them or after seeing some unusual thing. You must observe their behavior well as when you see your German Shepherd pup barking all of a sudden then there may be something.

The best way to get rid of such type of issue should not be to leave your pet alone as spending more time with them will make your bond stronger and there will be nothing that may haunt them. Make their environment friendly as it will help them very well in a new environment.


Your German Shepherd pup may also bark more often due to anxiety. As all the environment are new for them and there may be some fact that you are not able to spend much time with them that may result in them barking more often.

Anxiety in German Shepherds should never be ignored as they are a very active breed and want to enjoy their life but when they suffer from separation anxiety they may face many mental issues. This is also one of the reasons for barking nature in pets.

The best thing to consider is that you can easily get rid of such types of issues as spending more time with them will be the best option.

Never let your pup alone so that they can feel loneliness and it is also not good for the to be alone for a longer period. They are too young to handle this situation so never leave your pup alone for a longer period.


Boredom may be another reason why your German Shepherd pup is barking more often. German Shepherd pups come in the category of highly active breed and were bred to protect the livestock of the people. They do need a lot of exercise or fun for their mental as well as physical strength.

If your German Shepherd pup is not doing physical activities or playing then they may feel bored as a result they may bark more often. This may also lead to frustration. You should also think about their mental health.

You can make them exercise at regular intervals or play with them so that they can get more fun. Apart from this, you can provide them with some playing toys which can keep them engaged and they may enjoy. If you are also leaving them alone for some time then it will also work.

Many toys available in the market are suitable for small puppies. Just go with the greater review and let them get proper company if they want to enjoy it as it will allow them full-on entertainment.

Want Owner’s Attention

German Shepherd puppy

German Shepherds bark a lot to grab their owner’s attention. Your German Shepherd pups may be eagerly waiting for you as if they are not able to grab your attention. This may also let them bark more often. Your German Shepherd pup may bark more often to grab your attention.

You may be ignoring your pup or not giving sufficient time to them as a result they may feel frustrated. You should also understand their feeling as they are very young and they do require a lot of love and affection from their owners.

Try to spend more time with them. This will make your bond stronger. You can also make a proper routine for playing or exercising. They are in a growth period and this will help them during their growth stage.

Medical Emergency

A medical emergency can also let your German Shepherd pup bark more often. They may be facing some health issues as a result they may want to communicate with you by barking. You should also note that they are not able to tell you directly about any type of illness.

They bark for conveying their messages as you should understand their behavior. If you notice any change in their behavior then you should not ignore them and meet your vets as soon as possible. They are more professionals and can understand the real fact behind the barking of your pup.

There is always a sufficient reason behind the bark of your German Shepherd pup. No doubt, they use barking as their tool for communication. But you should also notice their behavior as when they become mature their bark will deepen and may lead to aggressive barking.

If your German Shepherd pup is barking constantly you should immediately meet your vet as there may higher chance of a medical emergency.

How Do I Get My German Shepherd Puppy To Stop Barking?

German Shepherd puppy with its owner

No German Shepherd pups will bark unnecessarily, they must be wanting to communicate with you or other animals. However, if your German Shepherd pups are barking at regular intervals there must be some factual reason that only you have to notice.

The regular barking of your German Shepherd pups may frustrate most owners. If your German Shepherd pup uses bark more often, you must wonder to get rid of such issues. It is really exciting to share my personal experience which helps you can stop your German Shepherd pup not to bark.

Here are some of the tips through which you can stop your German Shepherd pup not barking:

  • Provide some treats to your German Shepherd pups
  • Spend most of the time with your German Shepherd puppy
  • Play with them
  • Provide initial training
  • Never leave your pup alone for a longer time

All the above steps will allow your German Shepherd pup to behave well with you but it’s important to provide them with a friendly environment and a lot of love and affection. They are too young and adorable canine friends so always remain friendly with your pup.

How Do I Get My German Shepherd To Bark?

German Shepherd dog barking

We as human beings tell to convey our message so is the case with German Shepherds, German Shepherd dogs bark to pass their message. so they need to be vocal dogs at the same time if your German Shepherd is unable to bark you must let your dog bark.

One of the best ways to get your German Shepherd to bark is through positive reinforcement. Whenever your dog barks on command, make sure to give them a treat or verbal praise.

You can also practice teaching simple commands like “speak” and reward them when they bark on cue. Be sure not to punish your dog for barking, as this could have an adverse effect and discourage them from responding to your commands.

Playing interactive games with squeaky toys or engaging in other activities that encourage barking can also be effective in prompting your German Shepherd to vocalize more often.

Additionally, introducing new stimuli into their environments such as unfamiliar people or objects may cause them to bark out of curiosity or fear.

Some German Shepherds naturally have lower vocality, so it may take patience and consistency when training. You should also note that a barking dog is always hard to handle so there should be scheduled routine in a dog’s life.

With the right methods of positive reinforcement and a bit of practice, you can help your German Shepherd learn to bark in no time. You should start training them at an early age in their life.

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherd pups bark to communicate with other animals or people. They are not able to tell directly about their feeling as they use barking as a tool for conveying their messages. Here is a quick recap of this post:

  • German Shepherd pups start barking when they become 2 to 3 weeks older however their barking deepens as they become mature.
  • They bark to interact with other animals or people.
  • They also bark because of boredom, fear, anxiety, or any type of health issue.
  • Allow your German Shepherds to learn obedience training or other dog training to avoid excessive barking.
  • Provide treats to avoid their barking behavior.
  • Provide positive reinforcement methods to control your German Shepherd’s barking.
  • Never encourage their aggressive behavior.
  • Spending more time with your German Shepherd pup is also beneficial for them.

You should always monitor their behavior and spend most of the time with them. They are too young and need a lot of love and affection from their owners. Meet your vets if they start barking at regular intervals.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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