How Do I Get My German Shepherd Puppy To Like Me? 10 Key Ideas!!!

Young lady playing with German Shepherd puppy

I hope you have brought your little mate into your home and must be enjoying their company, but what about their feelings? They too have full right to enjoy your company as well as their life. But again the main question arises how do you get to know your German Shepherd puppy like you?

German Shepherd puppies are too cute to handle, they do show their love and affection if you give proper attention, fulfill their needs and play enough time with them. German Shepherd pups easily make an unbreakable bond with their owners, they show various signs like cuddling, leaning, becoming excited after seeing their owners, relaxing on the body, and many more.

All dog owners need to make their bond stronger with their pets. The initial time is very crucial for your German Shepherd pup when they arrive at the new environment and people as this is the perfect time when they need a lot of love and affection.

However, it also becomes more important for all dog owners to observe their pets and understand their signs of love and affection toward their owners.

This post will be very helpful to you, here I have shared all the experiences about the dog-human relationship which I observed when I brought my little mate for the first you will find this post very helpful and you come to the facts that will let your German Shepherd pup like you.

let’s discuss the facts about your German Shepherd pups that will let you know about their liking towards you.

Here are 10 key ideas that will let your German Shepherd puppies like you:

It is very exciting to see the love and affection of German Shepherd pups, looking at their behavior, the most adorable ones, and their cuteness can’t be expressed in words. However, their cuteness will be overloaded when you will know 10 key ideas about their loving nature:

  • Become overexcited after watching you
  • Always try to lean against you
  • Always follow yourself around
  • Licks your body
  • Movement of eyes and ears
  • Relaxes on your body
  • Brings toys to play
  • Follows your commands
  • Eager to go for a walk

1. Become Overexcited After Watching You

German Shepherd pup showing love to its lady owner

One of the most effective ways of expressing their love and affection for German Shepherd puppies towards you is they become overexcited after watching you and even try to jump over you. No matter, if you are leaving the house or have just arrived they will wag their tail and look at you very eagerly.

German Shepherd pups are loving breeds and they too want a lot of love from their owners so it becomes important for you to observe their behavior before leaving your house or going to the office. After your arrival, they wag their tail and look at you happily as this is a sign they love you very much.

2. Always Try To Lean Against Your

German Shepherd’s other way to express their feeling toward their owner is by leaning against them. Even leaning up is the natural behavior in the animal kingdom where they always want lean against their beloved ones or with the animals or people they are familiar with.

Being puppy parents you should always notice their behavior as whenever your German Shepherd pups lean against you or other family members forcefully, there is no time to worry, it means your GSD pup loves you or your family members very much and the bond with them has become much stronger which is also good for both you as well as your pup.

3. Always Follow You Around

Your beloved German Shepherd pup tries to follow you around to show their love and affection. Following you around is also an indication that they want to communicate with you, maybe they want to play with you or go for a walk.

It is a great sign for all pet parents when their pet follows them around after looking at them, it shows their trust in them. So if your dog follows you more often, you should not worry and love them or cuddle them with your gentle hand.

4. Leak Your Body

Another adorable way to show love and affection for your German Shepherd puppy is they will start leaking your body when they are sitting on your lap.

After spending some time your German Shepherd pup starts to know you and they will leak your body to show their love.

The licking of a German Shepherd pup may irritate some owners but you love or hate such behavior if your pup loves you they lick your whole face.

Some research also shows that licking on the face is also a type of kiss for German Shepherd pups. So you should adopt this behavior as whenever they lick your face they are happy and express their love toward their owners.

However, if you become fed up with this behavior you should never scold your pup and try to give some reinforcement and may avoid it for some, this will let your pup realize not to leak you as scolding or hurting your pup will never be a good idea.

5. Movement Of Ear And Eyebrow

Never be surprised by the movement of the ear and eyebrow of your German Shepherd pup as this is the true indication of how much they love their owners! as the movement of eyes and ears movement shows their feelings and emotions.

All dog breeds move their ear back and raise their eyebrow to look closely at someone who they love the most so you should not worry if your German Shepherd pup does as it is a natural behavior.

You can also provide them, love, after observing the such type of behavior but it is hard to observe most of the time. But again when your bond will become stronger then you will be able to recognize all their cutest behavior.

6. Relaxes On Your Body

If your German Shepherd pup tries to relax on your body, it shows that your bond is much stronger as whenever they do so they love their owner very much.

German Shepherds are a very active breed and want to move here and there but they also want to relax when they see their beloved, they want to relax on their bodies. They also do so when they are in their comfort zone as they also like such an environment.

7. Brings Toys To Play

Another way to show their love and affection toward their owner is for German Shepherd pups to bring toys or things to them so that they can play.

Your German Shepherd pup will always be eager to be with you and in the process, they will bring the things, this also indicates the bond toward you.

As a good owner, you should always try to make them happy as you can never disappoint them and try to play for some time. German Shepherd has made friendly relation with you and this is the reason they bring their toys or things to you.

8. Follows Your Command

When German Shepherd pups start trusting their owner, it is obvious they start loving them. This is the reason they start following their commands as it helps them easily to make them understand your home rules or another training process.

Following your command will make the training period much easier as they will learn all the commands in a much more efficient way. No doubt they are a very intelligent breed but they need friendly tutors so that they enjoy the training period.

9. Eager To Go For A Walk

One of the best ways of showing their love and affection is they eagerly wait for their owner to go for a walk. Your German Shepherd will be waiting for you and when seeing you will come and follow you around, Only you have to understand their body language.

You can also fix some schedules for walks as it will let you better understand your pup. German Shepherd pups like walking even sometimes they will pace their walk to express their love. They feel secure with you that is the reason they walk faster with you.

10. Do not Hide From Your

If your German Shepherd pups love you they will never hide from you, even if they will wait for you and want to hug you. This behavior is also their ultimate love for their owners. They will also obey you if there will not any type of behavior of hiding.

German Shepherd pups hide from their owners in case of any fear, maybe they become afraid of you. So it’s important to make a friendly environment that will allow you to let them understand your love and affection toward them.

There are many more activities through which German Shepherd pups can show their love and affection toward their owner.

The main thing to consider is to observe their behavior and never hit or scold them if you become frustrated after seeing their loving behavior. This only affects their mental health and there is a lack of trust between you and your pup.

What Do I Do If My German Shepherd Puppy Doesn’t Like me?

German Shepherd puppy with its owner

If your German Shepherd pup does not show love and affection toward you then you should not worry. It is all about expressing their feelings, some pup expresses their feelings by doing certain activities while some love their owner internally.

Every German Shepherd pup has a different personality so some can express their love and affection toward their owner while some do not. You should not worry as you should be patient and wait for the right moment, rather you can love them so that your bond can become stronger with them.

Again after many attempts, if you fail to observe their loving behavior then it is time to worry. You can take some help from your vets or some professionals. Maybe there may be some type of stress in their mind because of the separation from their mother.

You can also look at the given point and what you can do if your German Shepherd pup doesn’t not like you:

  • Try providing regular reinforcement
  • Make regular routines for their enjoyable activities.
  • Provide them with different types of toys to play
  • Provide friendly environment
  • Provide a comfortable dog bed for their relaxation.
  • Always be calm and never punish your pet.
  • Go for mental boost-up programs organized by authorized institutions.
  • Consult some professionals for better dog training.
  • Meet your vets for their mental health

All these steps will let your German Shepherd pup like you these all will make them realize how much you love your pet but again if all these strategies fail then it is the right time to consult some professionals as German Shepherds are a very loving breed and they love their owner very much.

How Do You Know If Your German Shepherd Doesn’t Like You?

German Shepherd getting hug from its owner

Having a new dog in your home is always going to be challenging, you must be worried if your new German Shepherd loves you or not.

German Shepherds, like all dogs, communicate primarily through body language; they don’t often vocalize their feelings or intentions. When it comes to a German Shepherd not liking you, some unmistakable signs will let you know quickly and easily.

One of the most obvious signs is if your German Shepherd avoids eye contact with you. Dogs typically do not make direct eye contact when feeling uncomfortable or threatened, so if your dog won’t look at you directly then this could be a sign of dislike.

Similarly, if your German Shepherd turns away from you when greeting them or simply moves away from your presence then this suggests that they are uncomfortable around you.

Another big indicator that a German Shepherd doesn’t like you is if it exhibits aggressive behavior such as growling, snapping, or baring its teeth when you approach.

German Shepherds can be protective of their owners and territory, so this type of aggressive behavior could suggest they are feeling threatened by your presence.

It also becomes necessary for you to provide them with positive training methods for making the bond stronger with them.

How Do You Show Love To A German Shepherd Puppy?

German Shepherd puppy

It becomes too much exciting to have a new German Shepherd dog in our home, bringing this little mate into our home is a more fun experience and at the same time, you must be showing your love and affection towards them but some pet parents must be eager to know how to show love to their pet.

Showing love to a German Shepherd puppy is an important part of establishing a bond between you and your dog. Some simple ways to show your pup love include :

  • Providing plenty of positive reinforcement.
  • Through physical contacts such as petting, cuddling, and belly rubs.
  • offering treats as rewards for good behavior
  • taking them out for regular socialization activities with other people and dogs,
  • playing interactive games such as fetch or tug-of-war
  • giving them their tug toy or some special toys or chews that are just for them, and consistently sticking to the same house rules.

A combination of these methods will help create a trusting relationship between you and your pup. It’s also important to remember that puppies need lots of sleep and rest to grow and develop properly, so be sure to offer your pup plenty of quiet time to relax as well.

Finally, it’s important to remember that all dogs need mental stimulation too. Training your puppy in obedience with simple commands can help them learn new tricks while mentally challenging activities such as nose work or puzzle toys can provide an extra outlet for their energy.

Ultimately, the more time you spend with your pup providing positive reinforcement, affection, and guidance, the more they will come to understand the loving relationship between you both. With proper care and attention, showing love to a German Shepherd puppy can become second nature!

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherd pups are too small in size as well as age, observing their cutest behavior is quite adorable to handle. Many adorable activities show their love and affection toward their owners.

The only thing you should do is to provide a lot of love and time to them so that they start loving you as soon as you bring them home for the first time. Never punish your Pup as it will affect their mental health and will take time to make a stronger bond with you.

Always take proper steps that will help your German Shepherd pick you as their parents and they will love you unconditionally.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

How long does it take a German Shepherd to like you?

There is no specific period for a German Shepherd to like their owners. Usually, the period of liking their owner is around 6 months to a few years but it depends on the situation and how you are treating them. 

As every dog breed has a different personality so some start liking their owner in little time while some can take time to trust them.

How do you know if your German Shepherd doesn’t like you?

Trust is the main issue your German Shepherd doesn’t like you. Your German Shepherd may be afraid of you and this may also lead to not liking you.

Your bond may have not become much stronger with them. So you should try to make your bond stronger and provide them, love, despite their hateful behavior.

Do German Shepherds Pick One Person?

German Shepherds are often known for their loyalty and the strong bond they form with one family member. While it is not uncommon for a German Shepherd to pick one person that they prefer to be around, this is not always the case.

Many German Shepherds are just as loyal and loving towards the whole family and may not show any preference when it comes to people. If there is a clear favorite in the household, then it can lead to some behavior issues such as resource guarding or territoriality.

How Long Does It Take For A German Shepherd To Bond?

The bond between a German Shepherd and its owner can take anywhere from a few days to several months depending on the individual dog.

If a puppy is adopted, it may take longer to form an attachment. It also depends on how much time and effort you put into bonding with your new pup. In general, patience is key when trying to build a strong bond with your pet.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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