Do Beagles Shed? Debunk The Myth!!!

Beagles always provide dog lovers with a healthy environment; most dog owners enjoy their company after bringing them home. But one thing you might consider is their shedding as most of you might think they might not shed because they do not have the fluffiest and largest coats and you may ask do Beagles shed?

Though Beagles do not have the largest and fluffiest coats like German Shepherds or other dog breeds, yes, Beagles also shed. They shed all around the year which can’t be noticed because they are not much heavy shedders. When winter comes they start shedding more as this is the season their coats become more denser which also lets them blow their coats excessively.

However, shedding in Beagles is common but it can be minimized because they are not much a heavy shedder like German Shepherds. Regular grooming and feeding them a nutritious diet nullifies the effect of shedding among Beagles.

This post is going to be very informative as here in this post you will understand the Shedding causes, why Beagles shed so much and how can you minimize their shedding.

Let’s go through the thorough discussion and discuss it in detail:

Why Do Beagles Shed So Much?

Beagles are not classified as a large dog breed, such as German Shepherds, who regularly shed. However, most dog owners believe that Beagles do not shed, which is incorrect. All dog breeds shed, some more than others, but nearly all dogs shed to some level. As a Beagle owner, you should be curious about why Beagles shed so much.

Beagles are considered to be moderate shedders. But sometimes they may start shedding more as expected but the main fact is to know why do Beagles shed so much?

Here are some of the reasons which will let you understand why they shed much:

Natural Shedding:

Beagles shed naturally throughout the year as their old furs fall out and are replaced by new fur. The shedding process likewise follows the cycle of growth, relaxation, and decline.

Because Beagles’ fur naturally grows and sheds as they age. They shed all year long, but when springtime rolls along, their shedding is still at a high level.

German Shepherds and Beagles have short coats, yet Beagles are double-coated breeds. This indicates that they likewise have two layers of fur, an outer coat made of coarse hair that is fairly water-resistant, and an undercoat that is soft and dense as they remain protected from all the weather conditions because of their fur.

Unnatural Shedding:

Despite shedding being a natural process among Beagles they may shed due to other factors also. There may be some health issues that may force excessive hair loss which can only be addressed by veterinarians.

If you monitor your beagle and know the shedding cycle then you must understand the unusual shedding. However, dog professionals can suggest you exact shedding cycle, hair development period, and hair loss due to health issues, feeding plans, or environmental factors.

You can also understand the unnatural shedding by identifying the given symptoms:

  • Dry Fur
  • Irritation and skin allergies
  • blisters, cuts, and bald spots
  • Rashes
  • Infection

However, these are general symptoms your Beagles may be shedding the most but there are some other factors also which are also responsible for excessive hair loss. Here are some of them which you should also look at:

Poor diet Plan: 

Beagles’ health heavily depends on their diet because a balanced diet gives them all the necessary nutrients. The nutrients that maintain your Beagle’s hair healthy and stop hair loss are also necessary for their hair.


Blood flow is affected and oxygen delivery to tissues and other organs, including the skin, is impeded when your Beagle dog loses more water than he drinks. This causes the skin to become less elastic, which makes it easier for the fur to fall off.

Fleas and Ticks: 

Your dog gets itchy more frequently when it has fleas, ticks, or other parasites, which causes them to frequently bite or scratch its body parts. This damages their hair, and ongoing scratching could result in a skin infection that could have long-term negative effects on their health.

Cushing’s disease: 

Hair loss in Beagles and other dog breeds, such as German Shepherds, is also caused by Cushing’s disease or hyperadrenocorticism, which is typically brought on by the surplus production of the hormone cortisol.


Dogs with hypothyroidism cannot produce enough thyroxine, which regulates metabolism, and as a result, their coats suffer, possibly leading to hair loss. Most canine breeds, including Beagles, are afflicted by this illness.

Skin Disease: 

Hair loss in Beagles is brought on by skin ailments. As was said above, flea or tick bites can result in skin infections by making the dog lick or bite more frequently, which may cause the affected portions of the dog’s fur to come out.

Behavioral Issues: 

The Beagle may lick or chew their skin, causing patches due to behavioral problems including excessive stress or anxiety. The term “lick dermatitis” is used to describe this kind of ailment. Additionally, these allergic diseases cause their fur to shed.

When Do Beagles Shed The Most?

Although Beagles have less dense, thick fur than German Shepherds, and many people may believe they cannot shed, this is not the reality. It is crucial to know when this dog breed will shed the most precisely.

So When do Beagles shed the most? Beagles are among the breeds that moderately shed throughout the year. They blow their coats off in the winter and spring to stay warm in the cold and cool in the summer, respectively.

In winter Beagles shed their summer coats to generate the new coat which protects them in cold climate and in spring season they again shed to generate the new fur that keep them cool in hot climate.

Beagles have medium-length hair rather than the thick and dense coats of other large dog breeds. They won’t have as much hair on display as German Shepherds or Golden Retrievers, for example. However, they do shed and lose hair in your home, which you can find irritating if you see them more frequently.

You should keep in mind that they naturally blow off their coats, therefore shedding is a natural process. The good news is that if you take the effort, you may reduce their shedding even if you are unfamiliar with the scenario.

How Much Do Beagles Shed?

Beagles are double coated breed and they also shed the most. Since shedding is a natural process that is followed by all dogs whether they have dense fur or not.

Beagles shed differently from dog to dog since it depends on a variety of variables, including heredity, the time of year, and health. Despite having less dense fur than larger dog breeds, they nonetheless shed a substantial amount.

The frequency of shedding, which is sometimes referred to as seasonal shedding, can, however, increase during specific times of the year. As they blow out their coats in preparation for the changing weather, they typically shed more throughout the springtime.

These are the seasons when Beagles grow thick winter coats for cold weather to stay warm or shed their winter coats to make room for lighter summer coats.

Being a double-coated breed, they have water resistance in their coats. While the undercoat acts as insulation, the outer coat serves as guard hairs that offer protection. This implies that their two jackets keep them warm and cozy in a variety of weather.

Also Read: Why Do German Shepherds Shed So Much? 7 Top Tips To Reduce Shedding!!!

How Do I Stop My Beagle From Shedding?

Shedding among dogs is a natural process that all dog breeds go through less or more. Though the coat of Beagles is not much dense as large dog breeds like Golden retrievers or German Shepherds they do shed at a moderate rate.

Most dog owners may get irritated during the shedding season so it’s important to know how you can stop shedding in your Beagle. Let’s see some techniques for your Beagle to manage the shedding.

Regular Brushing

Brushing is the most effective way to manage the amount of shedding among your dogs. Regular brushing of your Beagle helps them in circulating the blood flow. It also allows you to pick the fallen hair in one place.

Because Beagles are moderate shedders and tend to shed throughout the year, regular brushing is important. You should brush them once a week when they aren’t shedders. However, if you want to keep your dog looking their best during their shedding season, you will need to brush them every day.

The brushing session should be around 10 to 15 minutes a day and you will also enjoy this process because your Beagles will enjoy it if you used a comfortable brushing tool for your dog.

Using Deshedding Tools

To keep your dog comfortable and enjoy the session you need to use the best de-shedding tools. There are many grooming tools or brushes available in the market but you should choose the one that suits your dog and they remain comfortable throughout the session.

Beagles do not have a thick dense coats like German Shepherds or other large dog breeds, the slicker brush or a pin-type brush will well suit their coat.

To reach through the top of the layer and gently rake the undercoats, use the most convenient and effective de-shedding equipment. This enables their undercoat to discard their jacket from the previous season. After you have raked them over, you can pick up the extra hair that has been removed using a regular brush.


Since Beagles do have thick furs like German Shepherds or other large dog breeds, they can easily be affected by skin infections. So it’s always important to choose the right shampoo for them. You can try Oatmeal dog shampoo which provides instant relief to your dog because of the natural ingredient present in it.

However, if your Beagle shed more than others then you can try anti-shedding shampoo also which will also help to some extent. But I recommend taking some professional help in case of heavy shedding and if your dog does not get relief from the shampoo they are using.

Diet Plan

Feeding the right diet plan is always crucial to keep your Beagle healthy in all respect as a nutritious diet also helps Beagles to shed in less quantity during their shedding season.

Always give your Beagle a diet rich in nutrients since it gives your dog the nutrition he needs to maintain healthy skin and fur.

Additionally, seek out foods like fish, eggs, or others that are high in omega acids because these are good for all of your pet’s body components, including their outermost layer and coats. A diet high in folic acid, vitamin E, or biotin can also be given to them because these nutrients also help the coats look better.

Use Of Supplements

Some Beagles may not like the taste of food that is rich in omega acid, in such cases, you can try some alternatives such as omega acid supplements that provide the essential nutrients that your dog will need.

These supplements will provide all the necessary elements that will keep the coats and their fur healthy. However, it is also recommended to do proper research before going for an alternative as you can take some help from the nutritionist for better suggestions.

Does Shaving A Beagle Help With Shedding?

Now you know how to reduce the shedding by using some de-shedding tools but many of you might think of shaving your Beagle to get rid of such a situation instantly.

But if you want your dog to be healthy all the time you should never shave them as their coats act as an insulator that protects them from all the climatic conditions they are living in. If you shave their whole fur they will be exposed completely whether they live in hot weather or cold weather.

Unless your dog has a severe skin infection or other valid reason you should never shave them. Rather it would be better to consult your Vet for better suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Do Beagles Shed A Lot of Hair?

Beagles are moderate shedders, so they do not come under the category of heavy shedders like German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers. However, if they are suffering from some type of skin disease or infection they may shed more but again this will be a medical condition that should be treated by vets only.

Which dog shed the least?

Some or less almost all dog breeds shed but some dogs show minimal shedding as compared to large dog breeds that have thick and dense fur. The dogs showing minimal shedding are poodles, Maltese, Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire terrier, and Basenji.

Final Thoughts:

Double-coated dogs like the beagle do moderate amounts of shedding. Dogs can shed differently; some may do it more frequently, while others may do so less frequently. However, shedding can be reduced by exercising the correct initiative.

Owners of dogs should take appropriate action to control their shedding rather than getting upset when they notice hair falling randomly around the room.

The easiest strategy to manage their shedding is to establish a regular brushing regimen, which will not only manage it but also stop them from losing their hair inside.

Always give your dog a nutritious, balanced meal that will be helpful for their hair and general well-being. Finally, after you resolve this issue, you will always be able to spend time with your furry buddy.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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