How Cold is Too Cold for a German Shepherd? Understanding Safe Temperatures for Your Dog’s Well-Being!!!

German Shepherd enjoying snowfall

German Shepherds can easily adapt to all weather conditions, which is why people often use this breed for various work in snowy conditions like sled pulling or hiking. However, they can be comfortable in cold weather but there is always a risk to get frostbite or hypothermia if they spend most of their time in the chilly weather conditions. So you must know how cold is too cold for a German Shepherd?

Generally, German Shepherds can tolerate a temperature around 20 degrees Fahrenheit but when the temperature falls below 20 degrees F it will be too cold for them to handle. Living in such cold weather tolerance and conditions may lead them to get hypothermia, frostbite, or other health-related issues.

Though being a double-coated breed, German Shepherds too can get cold in harsh weather conditions as they have also some specific temperature limits that every GSD owner must know to keep them safe and healthy. so it’s important to put them inside your house whenever the temperature dips.

Hence this post is going to be very fruitful as there will be a detailed discussion about German Shepherds’ tolerance to low temperatures. Let’s dive into the topic and discuss it in detail:

Do German Shepherds Get Cold?

German Shepherd in snow

German Shepherds are a thick double coated dog breed and this is the reason they also come in the category of dog breeds that enjoy colder weather. But like other dog breeds, there is also temperature tolerance among them and that’s why most of you may ask do German Shepherds get cold?

German Shepherds do enjoy cold weather but like other dog breeds German Shepherds do get cold. Though they are blessed with thick double coats that allow them to survive in the cold weather when the temperature dips below 20 degrees there will be difficult for them to remain healthy.

However, it’s important to know the temperature tolerance of your dog, when the temperature falls below 20 degrees they can easily get cold. You can put them inside your house and provide some heat to cope with the cold temperature.

German Shepherd Cold Tolerance

German Shepherds have muscular bodies with thick double coats which allow them easily deal with cold temperatures but when they spend most of their time in cold temperatures there is always a risk of sick dogs getting frostbite, hypothermia, or joint issues so all pet owners must know the cold tolerance of your little mate.

German Shepherds with double coats can endure temperatures as low as -1 degrees Celsius and as high as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. German Shepherds with outer coats and long, floppy hair, however, are more equipped to withstand cold weather than GSDs with short hair.

The length of their coat, age, size, health, fitness, or weight is just a few of the variables that affect how well-adapted they are to cold weather. Your German Shepherd can tolerate the cold without a doubt, but it’s vital to exercise caution if the dog’s temperature ever falls below the normal range.

Instead, you may alter their way of life and house them. Don’t leave your dog outside for an extended time and give them adequate shelter.

Factors That Affect German Shepherd’s Cold Temperature

German Shepherd with warm jacket

Due to breed differences, not all German Shepherds can tolerate frigid temperatures. It has also been observed that dogs with long and thick hair are better able to withstand cold conditions than dogs without such hair.

Though many other factors affect their tolerance to cold temperatures that you must know. Here are some of them that we will discuss in detail:


The tolerance of cold temperatures for adult German Shepherds is more as compared to senior and puppy ones. Since German Shepherd puppies are not fully grown and have less developed coats while senior German Shepherds may have some health issues that affect their ability to regulate their body temperature and cope with the cold temperature.


Health is one of the factors that affect your dog’s ability to tolerate cold weather since dogs with hypothermia or arthritis will find it challenging to control their body temperature in the cold.

Coat Length:

Due to their naturally thick, double coats, German shepherds are protected against harsh cold. Even though coat thickness varies from breed to breed, dogs with dense coats may be better able to withstand cold temperatures than those with thinner coats.

Activity Level:

Also, it has been observed that German Shepherds with higher levels of energy or metabolic activity can tolerate colder temperatures since they produce more heat compared to dogs with lower levels of metabolic activity.

Fitness Level:

German Shepherds that are in good health always have high levels of fitness and can handle cold temperatures considerably more effectively. It’s crucial to remember that even if your German Shepherds spend most of their time outside in the cold, they shouldn’t experience any health problems.

Can German Shepherds Get Sick From Cold Weather?

German Shepherd walking on snow

The physical characteristics of German Shepherds allow them to thrive in temperate climates. They can easily withstand temperatures that are approximately 20 degrees below zero. Although they adore the cold, you must wonder if your German Shepherd could become ill in the cold.

Despite having double coats and tolerating extremely cold temperatures, German Shepherds can still become ill from the cold if left outside your home for an extended period, just like other breeds of dogs.

There may be many issues your dog’s body may face if they are living in cold weather for a long time.

  • Higher Chance to get frostbite
  • Chance to get hypothermia
  • They may get joint stiffness
  • Increases risk to get skin irritation
  • Difficulty in regulating the body

As a pet owner, it’s always important to not allow them outside if the temperature falls below the average parameter as it will increase the chance to get the illness.

Also Read: Are German Shepherds Able To Pull A Sled?

How German Shepherds Cope With Cold Weather?

All we know German Shepherds can easily tolerate temperatures and cold weather because of the thick double coat they have got naturally but there are some other factors also that allow them to cope with cold weather.

Here are some of the ways German Shepherds cope with cold weather:

Thick Double coat:

German Shepherds have thick double coats where the undercoat and topcoat insulate them and keep them warm. These coats provide heat to their body and provide them protection against the cold weather.


Shivering is the natural process that your German Shepherd does dog warm up to keep their body warm when they feel cold.

Increment in diet:

German Shepherds eat more food when it’s chilly outside so that their digestion can increase body temperature. Moreover, they receive more energy, which ultimately enables them to produce more heat to withstand the cold.

Need Shelter:

German Shepherds will want to go inside the shelter if they observe any unfavorable environment or weather conditions. They find their shelter the safest place to be protected and safe.

Curling their body:

To create body heat and stay warm in the frigid weather, your German Shepherd will curl up into a ball. This is also a procedure where they strive to conserve their body temperature which ultimately keeps them warm.

Also Read: Can German Shepherds Be Left Alone?

How to Keep Your German Shepherd Warm in Cold Weather?

German Shepherd wearing winter cloth

German Shepherds have fantastic physical makeup that helps them stay warm. But, if you are living in cold weather then it would be vitally important to keep your dog warm all the time.

Keeping your dog warm in cold weather is highly crucial for their health so you must know some of the ways to keep them warm during cold weather.

Here are some of the ways which you can also follow to keep your dog warm:

Provide An Insulated Shelter:

It’s crucial to give your German Shepherd an insulated shelter to keep them warm when they spend the majority of their time outdoors during cold weather, such as an insulated kennel or a heater in their dog house. For proper heating, keep their body dry by elevating their shelter above the ground.

Provide Warm Blankets And Bedding:

Giving warm blankets and suitable bedding allow your dog to be warm and comfortable during cold weather. Their bedding should always be kept dry, and it should be changed frequently.

Provide Winter Jackets:

Since you should not consider your dog’s double coats, which insulate them during cold weather, winter jackets also keep your dog warm. If they are sensitive to the cold, winter jackets are a huge aid in keeping them warm. Always give them the appropriate jackets that don’t limit their movement.

Provide Dog Boots:

If you let your German Shepherd walk in the snow or outside in the cold weather, dog boots offer complete protection because giving them boots eliminates the possibility that they will develop frostbite or other negative effects from being in the snow.

Trim The Paw Hair:

Regularly trim the hair on the paws to avoid ice from adhering to the fur in the area between the toes, which would interfere with the regulation of body temperature.

Give a Warm And Nutritious Diet:

It is also seen that your German Shepherd eats more food in cold weather so you should always provide a nutritious diet to meet their body requirement as it also allows them to regulate their body temperature.

Manage Their Outside Time:

If the weather is too cold to handle for your dog you must restrict your German Shepherd from going outside during cold weather.

Monitor Their Body Temperature:

It’s crucial to regularly check your German shepherd’s body temperature because it will help you handle the situation more effectively. Nonetheless, you should act quickly to protect your GSD’s health if you see that they cannot withstand the low temperatures.

Although a German shepherd’s double coat will undoubtedly keep them warm in cold weather, it’s still vital to take precautions by giving our dogs some winter equipment because it will ensure their entire safety and continued health in dangerous weather conditions.

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherds, despite having double coats, do experience cold weather because they may survive temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature below the specified parameter will make it tough for them to always stay healthy.

If you live in a colder climate, it’s crucial to give them adequate shelter and every piece of equipment they need to stay warm.

Always keep an eye on your dog, and if you have any concerns about their health, don’t waste any time—take them as soon as you can to the vet for treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q1. Do German Shepherds Like The Cold?

German Shepherds are also popular for their work in cold climates such as sled pulling or hiking because they easily survive the cold climate as they have thick double-coated fur that insulates them and keeps them warm.

The preference for colds, however, may differ from breed to breed. While some German Shepherds could appreciate the snow or the cold, others might not. So, it is always crucial to keep an eye on your dog during cold weather. If they don’t seem comfortable, you should take them inside the home right away and give them adequate cover.

Q2. Are 20 Degrees Too Cold For German Shepherds?

The average temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit is no problem for German Shepherds. They can withstand temperature drops of between -10 and -15 degrees Fahrenheit temporarily thanks to their thick double coat.

You should keep them dry and provide some heat if they dwell in such chilly conditions because exposing them to such climatic conditions could be harmful to their health.

Q3. Are 55 Degrees too cold for a German Shepherd?

Even though German Shepherds thrive in cold climates, certain breeds may find temperatures as low as 55 degrees to be intolerable. This depends on the breed’s thick coat and ability to survive in the cold.

Q4. Are 45 Degrees Too Cold For a German Shepherd?

German Shepherds may find it too cool at 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite having thick double coats, it might be detrimental to leave them outside in the cold for extended periods.

Q5. What’s Too Cold Outside For A German Shepherd?

The level of a German Shepherd’s tolerance for cold will rely on a variety of other elements, including their overall health, the state of their coat, the climate, and humidity. But, you should always be aware of your dog’s tolerance level for cold; if they start to feel uneasy, you should take them inside and give adequate cover right away.

Q6. Do German Shepherds Need coats In Winter?

If you live in a cold climate, giving your German Shepherd coats is a preventative measure. German Shepherd dogs do require coats if the temperature drops below what makes them uncomfortable for survival.

Q7. Is It ok For A German Shepherd To Sleep Outside?

German Shepherds are a sturdy breed of dog and can sleep outdoors, but the climate must be right for them; if it is too cold, you shouldn’t let them out, but it may also be harmful to their health if it is too hot. Hence, it’s crucial to give your dog a decent shelter and keep them indoors.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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