When Do German Shepherds Calm Down? Explained With Reasons!!!

German Shepherd standing

German Shepherds are known for possessing tremendous energy levels and frequently exhibit hyperactivity. You may be curious to know when German Shepherds calm down because it can be challenging for most owners to do so.

So when do German Shepherds calm down? German Shepherds grow calmer when they are 2 to 3 years old, and they and to be peaceful as they mature. Although there will be a minor shift in their behavior as they age more, it may vary as each dog has a unique personality.

However, age is a very important factor in their hyperactive behavior, even if it may vary from dog to dog. Some dogs may be quiet from birth, while others may be hyperactive. As a dog owner, you should take the right steps to quiet down your dog because they are recognized for its energy and activity.

If you want to learn more about the energetic personality of a German shepherd, you should read this post. It will also show you how to calm your dog down if they are hyperactive.

Let’s have a thorough discussion about this subject so we can effectively calm our German Shepherd dog.

 Why Are German Shepherds So Hyper?

German Shepherd barking on others

German Shepherds are a naturally energetic canine breed that was developed to be the best working dogs, it also indicates that they prefer to chase, herd, or engage in other activities the majority of their time. This typically signifies that they have plenty of energy and need to exhaust them by doing so or other. But again it does not clarify why they are so hyper.

German Shepherds can become hyper for a variety of reasons. It appears that the primary cause of German Shepherds’ hyperactivity is that they were initially bred for herding and guarding livestock. They do have plenty of energy, and because they have working-line genes, they need to exercise frequently and engage in physical activity; otherwise, they may become hyper.

The puppy stage of any German Shepherd, however, is also when hyperactivity can be seen. Some German Shepherd puppies may remain hyper if they lack stimulation and exercise to exhaust their energy. There are other factors also that let German Shepherd puppies be hyper like boredom, loneliness, anxiety, or others.

You should also look for the various root causes that make the German Shepherd more hyperactive. Let’s take a quick look at the factors that let German Shepherds hyperactive more often.

Root Causes Of A Hyper German Shepherd

German Shepherds do remain calm but there may be some root causes if they become hyper more often as no one can become hyper because of no reason.

Let’s discuss some of the root causes that may let your GSD to be hyper:

History of German Shepherd:

The history of the German Shepherd also reveals much about its character. In the early 19th century, this breed was primarily produced for herding and defending livestock. German Shepherds frequently chased other animals as a form of defense. That may be the most important factor that may lead them to be hyper more often.

The hyperactivity among German Shepherds has been forwarded from their ancestors, they have also got such traits that allow them to be leaders and control their groups. This breed always wants to move freely around their territory just like their ancestors and protect their surroundings.

Lack Of Mental Stimulation or Physical Activity:

A German Shepherd is a highly energetic dog breed and they do require a significant amount of exercise to burn their energy. A German Shepherd may become hyper if they are not receiving enough exercise or engaging in enough physical activity.

Although this breed is very intelligent, they do need mental stimulation through some tricks or commands. They frequently need to engage in extensive exercise as these can be the desired actions to reduce their hyperactivity.

Immaturity Factor

German Shepherds also come under the category of such a dog breed that develops quite swiftly, even while their minds are still very young and their physical strength develops quickly. They need time for mental development, which may also be the reason they occasionally act like hyper dogs.

Gaining physical strength is one thing while becoming mature enough to look out for the right thing is another thing. This breed will need some time to be matured and behave well in front of their masters or other family members.

Want Owner’s attention

German Shepherds also love their owners and that’s the reason this breed is among the favorite pet for family members. Your dog will want proper time to enjoy your company which you can achieve by playing with them for a short interval of time or providing some rewards.

Young German Shepherd dogs may experience loneliness and become hyperactive if they do not spend enough time playing with you. If they are isolated their mental health is also affected which may also trigger their aggressive nature. So pet lovers need to spend as much time as they can.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is also another factor that let the dog be hyper more often. You must not be spending much time with your dog as a result they may feel lonely and suffer from such type of issue.

German Shepherd also comes under the category of a social breed, therefore they need someone to spend time with. To prevent your dog from experiencing this kind of problem, you should attempt to spend the majority of your time with them and never leave them alone for an extended time.

Health Factor

The health issue that German Shepherd experiences is another underlying component in their hyperactive behavior. This breed may exhibit hyperactivity more frequently if they have a health condition called hyperkinesis.

Despite being a rare medical disorder that affects some dog breeds, hyperkinesis is frequently referred to as canine ADHD. However, certain symptoms contribute to their hyperactivity. As a result, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your dog’s conduct, and you should consult professionals for their well-being if you observe any unexpected changes in behavior.

What Are The Signs Of Hyperactivity In German Shepherds?

We often enjoy the energetic behavior of our German Shepherds but there is a slight difference between hyperactivity and energetic behavior among dogs. Your German Shepherd may be doing various physical activities to show their energy level but when this energy increases this may lead to hyperactivity.

However, some physical distinctions may help you determine some signs of hyperactivity among German Shepherd dogs. Your dog may have some aggressive behavior if they become hyper while in a normal state, it will lean against you or wag its tail.

Aggressive behavior may include excessive barking, biting, or yipping. You should also note that a happy dog always shows some sweet gestures to their owners so it’s always important to observe their behavior and take proper steps to control their hyper behavior.

Also Read: Will German Shepherds Kill Cats? Know This Horrifying Nature Of Your Pet!!!

How To Calm Down Your German Shepherd?

As far as we know, German Shepherds express their energy level through a variety of physical activities, but if they begin acting strangely, there is a chance that they could develop hyperactivity. If your dogs are acting hyperactively as well, you’ll need to know how to calm your German Shepherd down.

Here are some steps you can follow to calm your German Shepherd down:

Training Your Dog:

Training your dog is crucial for allowing them to behave well in human society. Training your pet will let your dog to :

  • Remain good with yourself, your family members, or other animals.
  • Will let them understand that you are their master and they must obey your commands.
  • Will let your dog be fit physically as well as mentally.
  • Allow your dog to follow your home rules.

However, it’s also important to start training your dog when they are in the puppy stage as it is the phase they must learn obedience training. On the other hand, they are also a quick learner at this stage of their life and learn all the commands much more efficiently.

Providing Sufficient Exercise

We do know that German Shepherds are highly an extremely energetic breed that does need enough exercise to burn it off. If they do not get enough exercise, German Shepherds tend to become more aggressive.

Allowing your GSD to exercise enough will be the first step to calming them down and helping them regain their physical strength.

These exercises may be of different types: you may play with them, go for walk or do some type of other physical activity that can keep them engaged. Therefore, as a dog owner, you should always give your dog enough exercise.

Focus On Mental Stimulation

German Shepherds come under the category of intelligent dog breeds and are quick to pick up new skills. Introducing new concepts to your dog greatly promotes brain stimulation. Nevertheless, it may also be given during the training process.

You can also try some puzzle toys as they groom their mental skills when you allow your dog to play with them. When your dog becomes hyper how you may also try these toys as this has also have the capacity to keep them engaged.

Teach Socialization Lesson

Socialization is considered the most effective way to keep your German Shepherd calm. It not only helps in their growth but they also become more socialized so that they can handle the odd situation more skillfully.

However, every dog should be socialized at an early stage of their life. Socialization allows your dog to behave well when they meet new people, animals, other dogs, or even new environments. The socialization process also deals with the tiring of your dog which is also the ultimate solution to calm your dog down.

Socializing your German Shepherd has another benefit as it will make your bond stronger with them and they will obey and always follow your command. So, guys, socialization is necessary among pet animals and you must consider it when are in the puppy phase.


One of the ways you can calm your German Shepherd down is by following the neutering process. This process deals directly in:

  • Controlling their aggressive behavior
  • Reducing their territorial nature
  • Showing less metabolism

It is also seen that German Shepherd aggression is mostly seen when they become mature enough so it is always important to follow proper steps to calm them down without hurting them.

Provide Enough Play

German Shepherds always remain very active and want to play most often. If your dog is not getting enough play then there is a higher probability it can become hyper. So providing enough play make your German Shepherd calm and nurtures its behavior.

You can make a proper routine with your dog for playtime as it will also make your bond stronger and they will also not face any issues of separation anxiety.

Follow Proper Feeding Guidelines

Food direct impact the health as well as the behavior of your dogs. If you are not feeding your dog as per their taste they may start neglecting it and there may be a slight change in their behavior which may also lead to hyperactivity among them.

If your dog is also getting food with some dose of sugar or low protein food, this may also trigger their hyper sense. So it’s highly recommended to meet your vet and get the proper feeding guideline that suits their taste and get actual nutrition that will be helpful in their growth.

Do German Shepherds Calm Down After Neutering?

There may be possible ways to calm your German Shepherd, but one of the techniques most people use is neutering. Some of you must have a little bit of confusion about do this breed calms down after neutering.

Yes, neutering a German Shepherd can help to calm him down. Male dogs who have been neutered are less prone to exhibit aggressive behavior against people or other animals.

The hormonal changes that occur after a dog are neutered have been shown to decrease the production of testosterone, which helps to make male dogs calmer and more docile overall.

Neutering also removes the urge for males to mark their territory by spraying urine around the house or yard.

 It’s vital to keep in mind that having your dog neutered does not immediately alter his behavior; your dog will need some time to get used to his new schedule.

 If you want your dog to be calm and obedient, consistency in training is essential. Regular exercise, obedience classes, and plenty of mental stimulation can also help to keep your pup calm and happy.

At What Age Do German Shepherds Calm Down?

German Shepherds typically reach full physical and mental maturity at 2 years old. However, this does not mean that they will suddenly become calm and sedate overnight.

It may take a little longer for German Shepherds to emotionally settle down and show signs of decreased energy levels. Typically, when German Shepherd reaches 3 or 4 years old, you should start seeing a more settled attitude from them.

This will depend on the individual dog, however, as some may maintain their enthusiasm for a life well into adulthood. If your GSD still displays excessive amounts of energy or aggression past 4 years old, it is important to consult a professional dog trainer to help correct any negative behaviors.

 It is normal for a German Shepherd to remain active and lively during their lifetime, however, it should still settle down and take breaks throughout the day.

While providing ample exercise is essential for a healthy German Shepherd, it is also important to provide them with plenty of mental stimulation through activities such as obedience training and games.

This will help your GSD stay focused and calm during situations that may otherwise cause them to act out or become overly excited. With consistency, patience, and lots of love, all German Shepherd owners can have a well-behaved adult German Shepherd who knows how to behave appropriately in any situation!

Frequently Asked Question(FAQs):

Q1. Do German Shepherds get calmer with age?

Yes, German Shepherds do tend to get calmer with age. As they mature, they become more obedient and better able to follow instructions.

They also learn more quickly and are more easily trainable. It is important to socialize your German Shepherd puppy early on to ensure that it grows up into an even-tempered adult dog.

Q2. Do German Shepherds mellow out?

Yes, German Shepherds can mellow out as they age. Like most breeds of dogs, German Shepherds become calmer and more relaxed with age. Proper socialization and training also let them calm their temperament.

Q3. What age are German Shepherds most aggressive?

German Shepherds can become aggressive at any age, but they are most prone to aggressive behavior between the ages of 2 and 4 years. This is when their hormones are peaking and they are naturally more assertive and dominant.

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherds typically start to settle down around the age of two years old, although some can take longer. During this time, our German Shepherd should become less active and may even have pent-up energy to show signs of being more settled and relaxed.

However, it’s important to remember that each dog is different and may mature at different rates, some German Shepherds mature at around 3 years, so don’t be discouraged if your pup is still a bit hyperactive past two years old.

You can help ensure a calm German Shepherd with patience and consistent training. They will be more obedient and well-mannered dogs.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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