Are German Shepherds Good With Chickens? Essential Facts To Know!!!

German Shepherd with chickens

It would be very hard to resist themselves if any carnivorous animals see chickens around them, they may find chickens as their food so is the case with German Shepherds. German Shepherds are also known for their hunting skills so there may always be a striking in your mind can German Shepherds get along with chickens or are they good with them?

German Shepherds can be good with chickens but only when they are well-trained and socialized. Chickens must be introduced under your supervision as German Shepherds have got the instinct to chase and hunt their prey. Chickens should not get around this breed unless you are present there.

German Shepherds hunting skills can never be ignored as they may prefer this small species as their prey which may allow them to chase, hunt or kill. So Its become highly important for every German Shepherd’s owner to train and socialize their pet to such a level that they could not harm other animals. They are an intelligent dog breed and will learn all the skills that you want to teach them.

They must be taught that hunting or killing other animals in the same house is unacceptable behavior, though it’s their nature as a dog owner, you will never be wanting that your German Shepherd kills other animals that live around them.

However, this post is fully dedicated to the nature of a German Shepherd dog and its relation with chickens.

Here in this post, we will be discussing the situation that can let your German Shepherd kill chickens and how you can prevent them from doing such horrifying things.

Let’s explore this topic and discuss it in detail:

Are German Shepherds Good With Chickens?

German Shepherd and chicks

German Shepherds can be good with chickens but only after proper training and socialization. You should not forget about the instinct of German Shepherds which is to chase, hunt, and kill their prey. But when you teach your German Shepherd to be good with other species then no doubt they will learn but will also behave well with other animals as well as people.

Looking at their history German Shepherds were bred to do herding and protect the livestock also let them practice their strong prey drive. As most German Shepherds are carnivorous they may also hesitate after seeing chickens around them. It is also said that a larger breed always wins the race of life against the smaller one.

If dog owner wants both species then they should always try to well train their German Shepherds so that they cannot kill other species that are living around them. However, it will also be important to understand the behavior of your German Shepherd.

If they are not socialized and trained then it’s obvious they will attack other animals and when they see chickens around them they will prefer them as their food.

You can also take shelter of both species in the same house as most pet lovers may keep various species in their home and must be wanting to keep them together whether it is a German Shepherd dog, cat, or chicken.

Keeping all the species in the same house is one thing but keeping them together where they interact with each other is another thing, there should not be violence or mishappening as all the species are of a different mindsets.

If you are also having a German Shepherd and a chicken then you must understand the behavior of both species which will defiantly allow you to keep them calm and your German Shepherd may be a good friend of your chicken. But we must understand what can let your German Shepherd chasing chickens and attack them.

Why Do German Shepherds attack Chickens?

It always becomes a hot topic to discuss when any pet lover has both German Shepherds as well chickens in the same house, but being a carnivorous animal it’s always hard for this breed to get along with the little species. Though German Shepherds are an intelligent and very loyal breed, their activity of obeying their owners makes a perfect pet but at the same time if there is a chicken in your house then you must be wanting that both pets must live happily. But again the main question here is why do German Shepherds attack chickens?

German Shepherds may attack chickens when they lack training and socialization as their nature is also to hunt and kill their prey if they observe any danger or want to enter their territory. If your German Shepherd is unsocialized then it will always be difficult for them to interact with new animals or people and more often it can attack.

Apart from this German Shepherds has got the instinct to chase down animals whomsoever they think are their prey which leads them to run, chase, bite, injure or even kill them. However, this may be a horrifying situation for the pet lover if their German Shepherd chases down their chicken and kill them.

Though many reasons can let your German Shepherds attack or even kill chickens you must know as no one will ever want their German Shepherds to be among hunting dogs that attack other animals or when they interact with other small animals.

I am sure these steps will enlighten you and will also allow learning the factual reason behind the attack of this large breed on the smaller one.

Here are some of the reasons you German Shepherds attack or kill chickens. let’s discuss it in detail:

1. Natural Instinct

The history of German Shepherds is quite interesting where people bred this bred to herd and protect their livestock. They will go through moving objects cats, chickens, birds, or other animals if they are not trained enough.

They will be able to recognize other animals unless they are socialized and as a result, they may attack or hurt them.

2. Prey Drive

Prey drive is in the blood of German Shepherds where they search, chase, hunt, or even kill their prey including chickens. They also come in the category of larger breed and they can easily kill chickens if you have not trained your German Shepherds.

So it always remains important to provide them with proper training and then interact with each other.

3. Lack Of Training

If your German Shepherd bark more often seeing other animals or people then it must be lacking training. Lack of training may let your German Shepherd become even more aggressive.

This also lets them attack when they see chickens or other small animals in front of them which may even worsen when they treat them as their prey and kill them.

4. Lack Of Socialization

Another reason your German Shepherd may attack chicken is lack of socialization, your German Shepherd must not be well socialized and this is the reason they attack other animals seeing them around.

Well-socialized dogs are always good for unknown people or animals as they know that there is no danger while interacting with them.

5. Protectiveness

German Shepherds are protective towards their owners and this may be also one of the reasons they may attack chickens or other animals. They may treat them as some type of danger and they may hurt them.

You should also not forget their hunting skills and there will higher possibility they may treat chicken as their prey.

6. Boredom

Boredom is another reason that may also cause such type of accidents in your house where your German Shepherd may kill your chicken.

They must be filling bored and may hurt your chicken in frustration. You must be aware of the mental health of your GSD, they are a very active breed and want a lot of fun and of course exercise.

7. Anxiety

The major cause behind the attack on chickens is your German Shepherd may be suffering from separation anxiety. If you are keeping them in the same house your German Shepherd may even kill your Chicken when they feel frustrated. You must be aware of the behavior of your German Shepherd as when you notice any unusual one then you must not ignore it.

You should spend more time if they face loneliness, rather you can play with them or take some help from professionals. German Shepherds cannot kill any other species for no reason so it’s always important to introduce other species with proper training and under your supervision.

You can also train your dog to be always good with them as they have lived in the same house and they will do so for the sake of their beloved ones.

How To Prevent Your German Shepherd Not To Attack Chickens?

We all are aware of the nature of German Shepherds that are loyal and protective towards their owners. They may also attack other animals when someone wants to enter their territory but this does not satisfy our answer that this type of behavior can’t be prevented as these animals may be chickens, cats, squirrels, or others.

It is always heartbreaking if you have chickens and German Shepherds both as your pet and the larger breed somehow attacks the chicken then the main thing most dog owners consider the prevention measures.

Though training your German Shepherd will prevent such type of misfortune but there are also some important measures you can follow.

Here are some of the preventive measures you can follow to prevent your German Shepherds from attacking chickens in your house:

Provide Proper Training

Training your German Shepherds for various perspectives plays a very crucial role in their life. When you train your German Shepherd to behave well with other animals that are living around them.

It is also recommended that you start training your German Shepherd from a very young age as they will learn very easily.

You can teach your German Shepherd to follow the Leave command when they try to chase your chicken as you can treat them for following the instructions.

Rewarding your German Shepherd will motivate them not to chase them. You will have to train them at regular intervals as consistency will make their learning better.


Socialization is the key factor where your German Shepherd learns to get along with other animals including chickens and people.

You should socialize your German Shepherd from a very early stage of its life as it allows them to recognize other animals. Socializing your German Shepherd will allow them to not attack chickens.

Redirect Your German Shepherd

Whenever you observe your German Shepherd in the mood to attack a chicken you should redirect them by providing positive reinforcement. You may teach them about this bad and unacceptable behavior.

You should always understand that German Shepherds are a very intelligent breed and they learn all the things or commands very quickly. The only thing you should do is follow the proper routine and give them proper training.

Provide Animal Distancing

At the initial stage animals, distance is a must when you want your German Shepherd not to attack chickens that are living near them. Crate training your German Shepherds will be the best option to provide space between them.

You can keep your German Shepherd in the crate and gradually introduce your chicken in front of them as no dog owners will want their dogs killing chickens or other small animals. Make them familiar with the scent of your chicken so that they can not hurt them even in your absence.

Hire Some Professionals

Hiring professionals for training your German Shepherds are always the best way to make them perfect. They can train your German Shepherd not to attack or kill other animals including chickens in a much better way. You can hire some skilled professionals or take their fruitful advice as it will always be helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q1. What is the best dog to guard chickens?

Yes, most dogs can guard chickens without hurting them. Some of the popular dog breeds that are best dogs for guarding chickens are:

  • Anatolian Shepherd
  • Akbash
  • German Shepherds
  • Golden Retrievers
  • The great Pyrenees
  • Kangal
  • Kuvasz
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Polish Tatra Sheepdog
  • Maremma Sheepdog

Q2. Will German Shepherds protect chickens?

German Shepherds can be a great protector of the farm and they will protect chickens. Once your German Shepherd recognizes the animals or people living around them then they protect them because of their nature.

However, training and socializing your German Shepherd allow them to learn all the skills for protecting their beloved ones. Though chickens like free range for their living so it’s always important for farm owners to provide them with spacious spaces where all the species can live together.

Q3. Are German Shepherds good around farm animals?

If we look at the history of German Shepherds, they were bred to herd and protect livestock, and apart from this German Shepherds are also very intelligent and versatile breeds that can be used for multipurpose activities. So yes, German Shepherds can be good around farm animals but they need proper training and socialization lesson.

Q4. Can a German Shepherd herd chickens?

No, German Shepherds are not bred to herd chickens. They are herding dogs, but the breed was originally developed for larger livestock such as cattle and sheep.

German Shepherds possess an instinct to herd and protect their flock, but they may be too boisterous or intimidating when working with smaller animals such as chickens.

Q5. Are German Shepherds good at protecting livestock?

Yes, German Shepherds are excellent guard dogs and can be used to protect livestock. A well-trained German Shepherd is alert in its duties, understanding the commands of their handler and being able to act quickly when necessary. They have strong protective instincts and will not hesitate to confront a potential threat

Q6. Are German Shepherds good with birds?

German Shepherds can be good with birds, but it is important to note that they are a herding breed, which means they may instinctively try to herd the birds.

To ensure success in this situation, it’s important to start by socializing them early on so they learn proper behavior around animals and other humans.

Final Thoughts:

The nature of German Shepherds can be unpredictable and if they are well trained then there will no doubt they will hurt other animals including chickens.

You should train your dog and socialize them before introducing chicken in front of them. The gradual introduction will allow them to be familiar with the scent of chickens and they will not hurt them.

However, if your German Shepherd again becomes aggressive towards other animals then you should also take the help of some skilled professionals as they will better train them.

Always introduce other animals under your supervision so that they can’t hurt them and live happily with them.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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