10 Best Ways To Calm A German Shepherd Puppy. Learn With Handy Tips!!!

It’s a treat to see the adorable behavior of a German Shepherd puppy and we too become happy seeing some sweet gestures from them. When we bring them home for the first time all the places and environments are new for them. It is a little hard for them to adjust and in some cases, it’s obvious they may become frustrated and lose their calmness.

As good dog owners, we want our pets to be friendly and can do some type of work to make them calm. Exercising your German Shepherd puppy, displaying a calm behavior, and rewarding them for their sweet behavior are some of the work that will make them calm.

However, there are plenty of techniques that allow your German Shepherd pup to be calm most of the time so it becomes very important to go through this post. I know you will not be disappointed to learn the best way to calm your hyper German Shepherd pup.

Let’s learn some of the best techniques to calm a German Shepherd pup which I am trying to discuss in 10 points:

1. Always Be Calm With Your German Shepherd Puppy

German Shepherds are a highly energetic breed and they look to play most of the time which they love the most. It also becomes important to be calm when you are around them. German Shepherd pups are very quick learners and learn their owner’s emotions very quickly.

If you become excited seeing your German Shepherd pups’ activity, they will be picking on your energy and will start copying you which may lead them to become hyper. If your German Shepherd pups give you anxiety, it can make them even more excited because of the same anxious energy that results in hyper behavior.

Your calm behavior ensures your German Shepherd pups are calm and do not become hyper. So it’s important not to become overexcited after seeing the cutest behavior of your German Shepherd pup. If they do not have sexual frustration or become overexcited seeing their owner after a long period, they can become calm because of their intelligence.

Apart from it, you can also follow some of the steps which will help your pup in becoming calm. Here are some of these:

Use Low-Pitched Voice: 

When you use a low tone for interaction with your pup, it is quite more noticeable and shows your calmness toward your pup.

It should also be noted that a German Shepherd may become hyper active after listening to loud noises so it’s also important to use low pitched voice to interact with your little mate.

Restrict Physical Movement: 

You should avoid too many physical activities in front of your pup as moving your arms or doing too many physical activities may stop them to be calm, rather it will encourage them to copy you and as a result, they may become hyper.

When you stay calm in front of them it allows them to get internal peace and helps them very much in becoming calm.

Teach Them Basic Commands: 

Training your German Shepherd pups with the basic commands is very important and must be started in the initial period. Teaching them basic commands does not allow them to follow your home rules but it let them understand your word too when they become hyper because of any issue and when you tell them to relax they just calm down without wasting any time.

When your German Shepherd puppy remains calm it allows them to save their energy which can be later used in doing various activities like exercising, playing, and of course, training period. You can follow these steps to make them calm which ultimately neutralizes their energy and it will be also safer for them.

2. Expose Your German Shepherd Pups In Friendly Environment:

There may several reasons your German Shepherd pups may become hyper. They may not get:

  • Enough sleep
  • Getting Proper exercise
  • Spending time with their owners.
  • Getting proper playtime.
  • Friendly Environment.

The following reasons may let your GSD pup to be hyper as they may lose their calm. They do need proper sleep time, exercise, spending time with their owners, and a friendly environment. As a good owner, you must take proper care of these facilities which they need most to get comfortable life.

When you provide them with a friendly environment they feel relaxed all the time and because of their nature, all the skills come out gradually which helps them ultimately in their growth. Here friendly environment means the living condition, environment, people, and many other factors that can affect their mental as well as physical health.

If you are unable to give your German Shepherd puppies proper attention then it’s important to provide them with some toys so that they can be engaged and your absence does not affect them. I go with the toy that has great reviews given by the customers as the pet like these toys and believes me it will be a treat to watch your pup playing and enjoying.

3. Never Reward Your Pup For Hyper Behavior:

No doubt, the behavior of German Shepherd puppies is very adorable and you too may enjoy their company with the sweet gesture they do more often but at the same time, you must be very careful in handling them. You should not encourage their bad behavior which will affect you as well as your pup.

German Shepherd puppies become excited when they see their owners, they may even jump on you because of the excitement they feel watching you. However, this type of behavior is manageable and you must do the desired steps not to make them too excited rather they may behave like normal pets.

It all depends on you how you are treating your pup, you may provide positive reinforcement but the negative behavior must be avoided. You must make them realize their bad behavior and rewarding them for their hyper behavior is not a good idea.

4. Reward Your German Shepherd Pup For Being Calm:

German Shepherd puppy

The good behavior of German Shepherd puppy must be appreciated and rewarding them with some treats always encourage them to do such type of good behavior. If you ignore them or neglect them that may trigger them and even encourage them to do some types of bad behavior which may ultimately lead them to become hyper.

It’s very important to reward calm behavior as it encourages your puppy to remain calm on the other hand when you see they are becoming hyper stop giving them positive reinforcement. Rewarding them for good behavior always encourages them and it also allows them to behave well with you as well as your family members.

5. Adopt Proper Routine

Your German Shepherd puppy is just like your children, they do need a lot of skills to adapt to your home rule. This only can happen only when you make them adopt your routine. This routine may be of:

  • Feeding Your German Shepherd puppy
  • Exercising Them
  • Playing time
  • Potty time and
  • Sleeping time

When your German Shepherd puppy follows the proper routine for all the various activities that will let them be engaged in the right manner and there will be no time to be hyper as it will let them be calm most of the time.

6. Socialize Your German Shepherd Puppy

The most important step which every dog owner should provide for their pet. Socialization is very important for every pet and should be given as soon as you bring them home. Socializing your German Shepherd puppy has its importance which brings many changes whether it is physical or mental.

You should also socialize your German Shepherd pup as soon as possible which will let them familiar with the people or other animals they are around. Socialization allows them to interact well with people or other animals.

You should also note that if you are not giving your GSD puppy socializing training then they will face issues while meeting with other dogs. They will not be familiar with the people they are living with or even with the animals. They may even bark which you may also not like so you need to get your German Shepherd pup properly socialized.

7. Follow Proper Feeding Schedule

Food may be another reason your German Shepherd pups remain hyper more often. This may be because you may not follow the proper feeding schedule. As your German Shepherd pup is in the growth period, they do need proper nutrients which can be fulfilled only when you proper diet plan.

When you give them extra treats your German Shepherd dog may be overwhelmed and as a result, they start following your command but at the same time you should also look out for the nutrient they require for their growth.

German Shepherd puppies are a highly energetic breed and you should follow a proper diet plan. Feeding them proper food will let them be more comfortable with their appetite and will act as calm their behavior. In another case, you can also meet your vets and take their advice for a better diet plan.

8. Spend More Time With Your German Shepherd Pup

The more time you spend with your German Shepherd pup the more they get attached to you. Your German Shepherd pups are very small in size and of course in age, they need a lot of attention from their owners.

Leaving them alone for a longer period is not a good idea and it may affect their mental health, as a result, they may lose their cool more often. So it becomes very important to spend more time with them. When you remain with them they feel secure and do all the adorable activities which let them forget all the stress.

Oh yeah! German Shepherd pups enjoy their owner’s company and eagerly wait for them. You can also follow some of the activities your German Shepherd pups will like and you will be able to spend more time with them.

  • Play with them
  • Go for Walk
  • Exercise with them
  • Sleep near them
  • Use calming scents

When you do such activities, your German Shepherd pups will enjoy your company and even your bond will also become stronger. German Shepherd’s nose is also considered to be the primary sense organ as it will also allow them to calm down.

9. Use Products That Calm Your German Shepherd Pup

German Shepherd with chew toy

Rewarding your German Shepherd pup for being calm and behaving well is a good idea, they use to be calm when they get positive reinforcement but sometimes it may fail also.

When the above technique fails in making your German Shepherd pup calm then you can provide them with some calming products which may divert their mind. These products allow your hyper dog to go into the play mood but the thing to consider is that you must give them a genuine product that they enjoy while playing.

10. Provide Proper Training For Calmness

Training is the best part which every dog owner should start at a very early stage of their life. One of the consequences of your German Shepherd pup being hyper is they may not be getting training for calm.

If your German Shepherd puppy is becoming hyper more often you should train them for a specific reason. Training your German Shepherd will allow them to behave well with people and their bad behavior will automatically be reduced.

You need to observe the behavior of your German Shepherd pup, when they do excessive barking even biting then you must understand it’s time for them to be trained as they are young, it will be easy for them to get the things in the right way.

You can also keep your German Shepherd busy as it is also a part of training to distract them when they are becoming hyper. You may also take help from some professionals as it will let your dog learn calm behavior.

Final Thoughts:

There are many reasons why we have to understand the change in behavior in German Shepherd pups. If your German Shepherd pup is becoming hyper more often then you should take rapid steps to let them behave well.

Always remain calm with them and talk with them in a low tone which will show your affection toward them. You can also put your German Shepherd’s food inside their crate and some puzzled toys for distraction which again helps them ultimately.

Use proper calming properties for German Shepherds and never encourage aggressive behavior in your dog rather you can look for a better training program so that your dog remains calm.

Keep in mind, that German Shepherd pups are very energetic and need a lot of exercises to exhaust which is also very helpful in keeping them calm. Always follow a proper routine and feeding schedule to avoid any type of illness and take proper measures to keep your German Shepherd dog calm.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

At what Age Do German Shepherd puppies calm down?

German Shepherd puppies start calming down when they enter the age of 2 to 3 years of age and they will develop the calming behavior as their age progresses. However, you can provide mental exercise so that your dog calm easily.

Why Are German Shepherd Puppies So Hyper?

German Shepherd puppies are naturally active and energetic, due to their breed’s origins as working dogs. They have been selectively bred over many generations for qualities such as intelligence, loyalty, and devotion.

This makes them highly intelligent and eager to learn new things. Their high energy levels allow them to be easily trained and motivated when given commands or tasks.

Since their natural inclination is to stay busy, German Shepherd puppies must get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation every day to help keep them from getting bored or displaying signs of hyperactivity.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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