Can German Shepherds Eat Tomatoes? Yes or NO!!!

young lady feeding tomato in park

Dogs tend to eat whatever food is kept in front of them. They never think of the adverse effects caused by eating such items.

Being an omnivorous animal, a German Shepherd can eat vegetables as well as fruits. Our pets are also familiar with human foods and we also give them some of them when needed.

What about tomatoes, it is considered a nightshade family of vegetables that are available in almost all homes and most of you also feed your German Shepherd. Now the query in our mind is can a German Shepherd eat tomatoes? Is it safe?

German Shepherds can and can’t eat tomatoes. They can only be given ripe tomatoes as green tomatoes contain toxic which play an adverse role in their health.

The main motive of feeding is to provide proper nutrients that enhance the health of our pets, it’s our responsibility to look out for the food they eat and avoid such that may harm them.

Here in this post, we will go through the topic:

  • What type of tomatoes can a German Shepherd eat?
  • Are tomatoes a healthy diet?
  • How much and when to feed tomatoes to GSD?
  • Health Benefits of eating tomatoes
  • Its Adverse effect

Let’s explore this topic in detail:

What Type Of Tomatoes Can A German Shepherd Eat?

German Shepherd Owner feeding with hand

The German shepherd can eat ripe tomatoes. They contain antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins C and K. They are also a rich source of fiber that helps them in healthy digestion and maintain blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, Green tomatoes should never be given to German Shepherds. They contain toxic material such as solanine that causes heart problems, difficulty in breathing, and severe digestive problems.

So German Shepherds eat tomatoes that are fully ripe but in moderation. Eating too much may lead to stomach upset and other digestive problems.

Are Tomatoes A Healthy Diet For German Shepherds?

Ripe tomatoes

We know that ripe tomatoes are not poisonous at all. If you want to give tomatoes as a special treat to your pet then cut them into small pieces and serve them.

Tomatoes can be a healthy diet and you should know that commercial food manufacturers also use them as ingredients.

Eating ripe tomatoes will be a healthier diet as they are available in liquid form also like tomato sauce and most food manufacturers also use them. We are familiar with this type of tomato sauce, and some of you may have also tried it on your dog by giving bread sliced with ketchup.

How Much And When To Feed Tomatoes To Your German Shepherd?


I think tomatoes are such vegetables that are easily available at home. The feeding plan for tomatoes is very simple.

  • It can be given raw or cooked even though I also use to give my German Shepherd more often but only ripe tomatoes.
  • The tomatoes must be cleaned first so that their germs and bacteria are washed out and could not affect their health.
  • Cut into small pieces and serve them, it will allow easy digestion and your German Shepherd will enjoy the feeding session.
  • If you are feeding tomatoes to your German Shepherd then it must be given in moderation as we know excess of everything is bad and if given in large quantities then it may also lead to stomach upset and affect their health.
  • Remember to never feed green tomato to your German Shepherd as it contains tomatine which is toxic and will affect your dog’s health badly.

You should also see our article How much should you feed a German Shepherd“?? for more feeding plans for your German Shepherd. It has been discussed in detail.

Now let’s look at the health benefits of tomatoes!!!

Health Benefits of Ripe Tomatoes:

Ripe tomatoes are a healthy diet if given in moderation and you can consider this as your German Shepherd’s food because of the nutrients available in them.

Let’s discuss the health benefits of ripe tomatoes:

  • Ripe tomatoes contain fiber that helps them in healthy digestion.
  • It also maintains blood sugar levels in German Shepherds.
  • They are also a rich source of antioxidants that prevents damage to cells.
  • They contain important minerals and vitamins such as potassium, Vitamin C, and vitamin K that helps bone metabolism and removes clotting factor.
  • They also lead to easy digestion and provide healthier skin.

However tomatoes are also available in liquid forms like sauce or ketchup, your pet may like it but it’s not so healthy. You can try it for a small time just to change their taste.

Adverse Effects Of Eating Green Tomatoes

Before feeding tomatoes to your German Shepherd you should see properly that they are properly ripe.

Feeding green tomatoes poses a hazard to the health of German Shepherds. Green tomatoes contain a large amount of toxic substance called tomatine consumption which may upset their stomach and even lead to some serious health diseases.

However ripe tomatoes also contain tomatine but in very little amounts and it doesn’t affect health when consumed.

Here are some of the symptoms if tomatine is consumed in large amounts:

  • Stomach upset
  • Breathing problem
  • Loss of coordination
  • Body Weakness
  • Seizures

If you see these types of symptoms then you should not waste any moment and meet your vets for the better being of your pets.

Can Tomatoes Kill Your German Shepherd?

Even if we don’t like to eat green tomato unless it is cooked then why should we give them to our German Shepherd? We know that green tomatoes are poisonous to dogs but the question is can they kill your German Shepherd?

Yup!!! Green tomatoes are capable of killing German Shepherds. The toxic substance that is available in the form of tomatine may affect their heart which may lead them to death. As green plants also contain some of the toxic substances that dogs should avoid and even consumed in very little amounts may lead to fatal diseases.

So being a dog lover you should be aware of the food that your dogs are eating and try to give high-quality dog food in front of you so that they can’t be able to eat such food that may degrade their health.

What Should I Do If My German Shepherd Ate Green Tomato?

German Shepherd

If your German Shepherd ate green tomato accidentally then you should try to make them vomit before they absorb the tomatine.

In case of your absence, you can consult your vet later on and treat them as per their advice. If your German Shepherd was already sick then you should avoid making them vomit and follow the instructions given by your vets.

Your initial first aid may avoid heart stroke and severe damage to your health. The best advice from me will be if your dog is feeling unconscious after eating green tomato then you should not waste any moment and rush to your vet as soon as possible so that they can start medication.

They may need extra fluid that helps flush the tomatine they have consumed and prevent them from a severe problem.

It is a well-known proverb “Prevention is better than cure” so all of us should be very careful and see before feeding our dogs so that our pets can’t degrade their health. It only affects them but we also suffer from losing our time and pocket.

A tomato plant can also affect your dog’s health as there is the possibility of some presence of pesticides or chemicals.

Remember to keep away green tomatoes from them so that they cannot eat even in your absence.

You can also learn from our trending article “20 fruits German Shepherds can eat and 6 to avoid?“. It contains a complete guide about the fruits German Shepherds can eat and those to avoid.

What Foods Are Poisonous To German Shepherds?

As dog owners, we always want to give our pets healthy treats as a surprise without knowing their adverse effects.

However, some foods that are highly toxic and must not be given to dogs, just for your knowledge here are some of them:

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Chocolates
  • Grapes
  • Onions
  • Raw potatoes
  • Salt
  • Sweeteners
  • Star fruits
  • Rhubarb

You should avoid such types of food that may not harm us but can affect your dog’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q1. Can German Shepherds Eat Cherry Tomatoes?

Yes, German Shepherds can eat cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and fiber.

They are also low in calories and fat. However, German Shepherds should only consume cherry tomatoes in moderation, as they are high in sugar content.

Q2. Can German Shepherds Eat Tomato Sauce?

The answer to this question is Yes, German Shepherds can eat tomato sauce. However, as with all foods, it is important to feed your German Shepherd tomato sauce in moderation.

Too much of any food, even healthy foods like tomatoes, can upset the stomach of your dog. If you’re unsure how much tomato sauce to feed your German Shepherd, ask your veterinarian.

Q3. Are German Shepherds allergic to tomatoes?

Since each dog may have different allergies, there is no conclusive solution to this topic. However, because tomatoes include a substance called lycopene, certain German Shepherds might be allergic to them.

It is advisable to gradually introduce tomatoes into your German Shepherd’s diet if he has never eaten them before, and you should keep an eye out for any negative reactions.

You should stop giving tomatoes to your dog in the future if he exhibits symptoms of an allergy, such as itchiness, excessive drooling, or gastrointestinal upset.

Q4. What Can A German Shepherd not eat?

Being omnivorous animals German Shepherds should not eat a variety of food as these may be toxic to them and will harm their health. Here are some of them which you should not feed your dog:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Xylitol
  • Onions

Q5. Is It Ok If Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Dogs can eat ripe tomatoes because tomatoes strengthen their immune systems. They can benefit from tomato snacks for their skin, hearts, and eyes. But be aware that the toxicity in unripe tomatoes could injure them, causing upset stomachs or other health problems.

Q6. Can German Shepherds Eat Bell Peppers?

The health of your German Shepherd will benefit from the high nutritional value of bell peppers. Thus, bell peppers are safe to eat for German Shepherds.

Q7. Can German Shepherds Eat Carrots?

Unless they are cooked, vegetables are thought to be the healthiest food for all living things. However, in this case, we are talking about carrots, which are also included in the category of vegetables that may be consumed in any way. German Shepherds can consume carrots without danger because they are also safe to eat.

Final Thoughts:

I hope you have understood how dangerous can be a green tomato to your German Shepherd! and they can’t eat green tomatoes by any means. Always observe your German Shepherds and if there is an allergic reaction then your should consult your vet.

Try to give a healthy treat to German Shepherds and never feed green tomatoes to your them and make them live a healthier life.

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John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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