20 Fruits A German Shepherd Can Eat And 6 To Avoid!!!

German Shepherd eating watermelon

If you are vegan and want to give some special treat of fruits to your German Shepherd but you are not sure what is good for them and what about other fruits that may harm them? What fruit a German Shepherd can eat?

I give fruits to my dog special treatment like apples, bananas, blueberries, and many more as a refreshment and he also likes them to eat.

German Shepherds can eat various fruits that are available around us like apples, blueberries, bananas, cantaloupes, peaches, and pears. Their seeds must be removed before feeding them while some of the fruits work toxic for them eg. avocados, cherries, grapes, and many more. So these should be strictly avoided.

In the earlier post, we discussed the vegan food your German Shepherd can consume, their benefits, and their diet plan.

Here in this article, we will discuss the various fruits your German Shepherds eat, their eating benefits, about quantity to be fed to them, the feeding plan, and the fruits they should not be given.

20 Fruits German Shepherds Can Eat

It is a well-known proverb “Health is Wealth” and health can only be gained by a good diet.

Eating fruits helps in gaining proper health and dogs consider it as a special treat, oh yeah!!! there are different fruits liked by the German Shepherds that have listed below.

Here are some of the fruits that German Shepherd likes to eat:

1. Apple

Apple Fruit

Apples are a fantastic source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and other nutrients, making them a healthy food for German shepherds. They are low in protein and fat which makes them the perfect treat for them. It also strengthens their bones as well as tissues.

You will only have to remove all its seeds as there is the presence of cyanide before serving them as it may affect their health.

2. Bananas

Banana slices

Yes, German Shepherds eat bananas. They are a good source of potassium, vitamins B6 & C, magnesium, copper, manganese, net carbs, and fiber. All the nutrients available in bananas are highly beneficial for hearts and kidneys.

It provides instant energy to German Shepherds and is very helpful while you go on outings for a long period. I also do the same for my dog when I go for the long tour but be sure to remove its peels and your German Shepherd will enjoy it.

3. Blackberry


Yes, blackberries are eaten by German Shepherds. They are a great source of antioxidants that guard against cell deterioration. They also include fiber and vitamins.

German Shepherds will like this fruit and will refresh them for sure. This fruit has also a sweet taste and is good for a German Shepherd’s diet.

4. Cantaloupe


German Shepherds also eat cantaloupe. It is a rich source of water and fiber that will help your dog to maintain its water level.

Cantaloupe has too much sugar and you should feed it gradually otherwise it will affect their health and give birth to many unwanted diseases.

5. Cranberry


German Shepherd enjoys cranberry very much and can be given to them as a refreshing fruit treat.

It contains flavonols, anthocyanins, and PACs. This fruit is responsible for maintaining their healthy bladder.

Although cranberries can be served raw, cooked, or dried, creating cranberry juice should be avoided because it contains a lot of sugar and may be hazardous to the recipient.

6. Coconut


German Shepherd
 also likes to eat coconut which can be given to them as a diet. They also contain oxidants that support their immune system and prevent different viruses.

Coconut oil has also an advantage as it makes their skin and coat very smooth. When you apply coconut oil to your dog’s body it also let them prohibit shedding.

You should only have to remove its shell before feeding them otherwise some choking and intestinal blockage may happen. You should cut it into small slices and I assure you when your German Shepherd will eat coconut then they will enjoy this treat.

7. Cucumber


Cucumbers can also be eaten by German Shepherds. They are a good source of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and copper. Additionally, they include vitamins B1, C, and K, which are excellent for boosting health and building stronger bones.

If your German Shepherd is overweight then this fruit will be a great diet as it has no fat and provides instant energy.

8. Dates


Dates are the ideal fruit to give to German Shepherds, and they consume dates as well. Vitamins A, C, and B are abundant in them. Their lower fat and cholesterol content has significant positive effects on the cardiac and immune response.

If you are going for an outing then this delicious fruit will be a good option as the energy provided by it for a long time. You will only have to remove its pits before giving them.

9. Kiwi


German Shepherds also enjoy eating kiwi. Kiwi fruit is highly nutritional containing vitamin C, and potassium. They are also a good source of fiber which allows them to be healthy.

It is a safe food to be given to your German Shepherd as a healthy treat but you should feed them in moderation and its skin and seed should be removed before giving them.

10. Mango


Mangoes are also the favorite fruit among dogs and yes German Shepherds also eat mangoes. Although it is a seasonal fruit it can also be given to German Shepherds. A, B6, C, and E vitamins are among the nutrients that are abundant in them.

They are also a rich source of fiber and should be given to your dog in moderation.

You need to only remove its skin and seeds before giving them as a treat, consuming its seeds and skin may give birth to choking and digestive problems.

11. Olives


Olive is also a good treat that your German Shepherd eats. It is a good source of minerals and vitamin E that is highly beneficial for the eye and immune system.

There is confusion about its category, some of you may think it’s a vegetable but the fact is that it is a fruit. This fruit is safe and can be given to German Shepherds.

12. Oranges


Yes, German Shepherds eat oranges. They are a great source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. These citrus fruits are also suggested by some veterinarians for stronger immune systems.

If you want to give this fruit to your German Shepherd then try giving it in limited quantity, removing its skin and seed. The seeds and peel contain toxic so you should avoid them.

Maybe some German Shepherds don’t like its taste because of its bitter taste but my German Shepherd indicates to me with his head what about yours?

13. Peaches


Peaches are edible to German Shepherds. They are particularly effective in battling infections and have a strong supply of fiber and vitamin A.

Their pits also contain cyanide so never try to give them to dogs, it will degrade their health. You should also give this fruit in moderation as it has a high content of sugar.

Frozen peaches can also be given to German Shepherds as they will like them.

14. Pears


Yes, German Shepherds can consume pears. This fruit contains fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, and has anti-cancer qualities.

Moreover, vitamin K helps them maintain strong bones. It has a lot of sugar, so only give them small amounts. After extracting their seeds, you should only feed them sparingly because the seeds contain toxins that can cause choking and intestinal issues.

15. Pineapple


Oh yes! German Shepherds can eat pineapple. It is a tropical fruit full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that enhance the immune and digestive systems of your German Shepherd.

This energizing fruit treat can help you during a lengthy outing and will also serve as a rapid energy booster. Frozen pieces will be a great option to be given in summer and are very helpful for a healthy dog.

However, it also contains high sugar so you should feed them in moderation after removing its skin.

16. Pomegranate


German Shepherds also eat pomegranates. It is an excellent source of bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin compounds, minerals, mainly potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium, and complex polysaccharides that allow the dog to live a healthy life.

You only have to remove its skin before feeding them as its juice can also be a good option for refreshing them.

17. Raspberries


Raspberries are a great treat for your German shepherd if you give them from time to time because they are high in vitamin C, calories, manganese, and fiber. This fruit has less sugar and antioxidant in nature that help them in joints when they become older.

Due to the fruit’s little quantity of xylitol content, which could be fatal to their health if consumed in excess, it should also be provided in moderation.

18. Strawberries


Strawberries are also edible to German Shepherds. This fruit has also some nutritional benefits as they are a great source of vitamin C and fiber. Additionally, they include an enzyme in them that aids in tooth whitening.

Because of its antioxidant nature, it also helps them in slowing their age and enhances their immune system.

This fruit will be a great treat if you want to manage your dog’s weight. It can also be given in summer when it is frozen and your dog will like this treat.

19. Tangerines


Yes, German Shepherds can also eat tangerines. It also comes under citrus fruits and contains 85% water, and 13% carbohydrates, and is low in fat and protein.

It contains vitamin C on a large scale as It improves eyesight and skin problems. You should also remove its peels and skins which may upset their stomach.

20. Watermelon


Watermelon is also edible to German Shepherds. It provides them with the potassium, vitamins A, B6, C, and other nutrients they need to keep their muscles and neural systems in good shape.

It is a wonderful summer treat because it can keep them cool and includes 92% water. The fruit’s seeds, which can result in intestinal blockage, are the only irritating aspect.

Also Read: How Often Should You Feed Your German Shepherd Puppy? Helpful Feeding Guideline!!!

Fruits That German Shepherds Can’t Eat

1. Avocado


No, German Shepherds can’t eat Avocado. Though humans can eat this fruit but remember its skin and pit contain toxic and may lead to vomiting and diarrhea among dogs.

The fleshy inside of the fruit, which has less persin and is harmful to German Shepherds to consume, is the reason why this fruit should be avoided because it is not a good diet for them.

2. Cherries


No, cherries are off limits to German Shepherds. Cherries contain cyanide in their pits, stems, and leaves; this poisonous substance can kill dogs if consumed in large amounts.

Additionally choking- and stomach-unsettling, cherries should be avoided. Don’t ever attempt this fruit on your German Shepherd.

3. Grapes


German Shepherds should not eat grapes and raisins because they are highly toxic and if consumed in high quantity may cause kidney failure.

Dried raisins are also very toxic so this fruit is strictly prohibited and should not be fed to your dog even a small amount may lead to early symptoms of kidney problems like indigestion.

4. Rhubarb


Rhubarb is another fruit that German Shepherds should not eat. They are also toxic and after consumption can cause damage to the nervous system, kidneys, and digestive tract. Be aware of its toxic nature and stop feeding it to your German Shepherds or it will upset their stomachs.

5. Star Fruits


Star Fruit is also a very toxic fruit and should be fed to GSD. It contains calcium oxalate, and when the gastrointestinal tract absorbs then it may cause kidney failure.

It works as a hazard mainly for the smaller breeds so you should never try this fruit on your dog.

6. Tomatoes


German Shepherds can’t eat tomatoes(green). However, the ripe part of tomatoes is considered safe for German Shepherds but the green parts contain “solanine” that is toxic, consuming which will cause heart and breathing problems.

If you are feeding your German Shepherd tomatoes then you should take care. It should be ripped otherwise avoid it.

Fruits Feeding Plan For German Shepherds

Dog owner feeding fruits to his German Shepherd

As a German Shepherd owner, I also want my dog to feed a healthy diet. In this busy world, you don’t have an odd time wasting your precious time in going to stores and purchasing high calories alternatives for your pet and which may not be nutritional at all. Feeding fruit is a good option but how much to feed them to be good for their health?

All you need is some quick and ready-made foods that are available in your home. Fruits may be the best option, but they can’t be considered as a regular diet seeing their proper nutrients.

Here are some lists that will help you understand the feeding plan of fruits for your dog:

  • It is safe to give fruits in moderation after cutting them into small pieces so that they can’t upset their stomach and digestion.
  • Feed your German Shepherd fruit that doesn’t make up well over 10% of its daily caloric intake.
  • The rest 90% of calories must be gained by the dog food for good health and activeness.
  • Choose the right fruit for your German Shepherd that doesn’t contain any toxic.
  • If you are giving your German Shepherd the fruits then remember to remove their skins, seeds, and peels.

How To Feed Fruits To Your German Shepherd?

German Shepherd eating fruit

If you are giving fruit to your German Shepherd for the first time then you should try giving small pieces so that they observe its taste and further you can try others.

Make sure to remove all seeds and pits because they contain deadly cyanide that, if eaten in high quantities, will be harmful to the animals’ health. These seeds could cause choking hazards, stomach distress, or tooth decay.

The best way to give fruits to your German Shepherd is:

  • Wash fruits properly so that all the germs are removed.
  • Remove their skin and seeds so that they may not affect their health.
  • Cut them into small pieces that will help your dog with easy digestion.

Now your fruit is ready to be given to your dog. Fruits in canned form should never be given to dogs because it contains a lot of sugar and may irritate their stomach. Citrus juices such as oranges are highly acidic and should be avoided.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Can German Shepherds Eat Papaya?

Papayas will be nutritious treats for German Shepherds and other animals. Yes, German Shepherds can eat papaya, but like with other fruits, the seeds should be avoided since they contain cyanide, which can cause intestinal blockage.

Q2.Which Fruit Is Best For German Shepherds?

Fruits that German Shepherds can eat include apples, strawberries, bananas, raspberries, mangoes, pears, blueberries, and others. However, only you can pick which fruits are their favorites; that is, which fruits they enjoy eating and would consume without complaint. However, keep in mind that the seeds must be removed, which may cause a variety of intestinal problems.

Final Thoughts:

I hope you have gained about the fruits that German Shepherd dogs can consume and avoid. No doubt fruits provide a healthy life but some fruits may be responsible for degrading health.

Feeding suitable fruits will be a great dog treat to be given to your German Shepherd as a reward. Do consult your vets if you see any type of food allergies in your dog for their well-being.

You should also keep monitoring them, seeing their weight, and go for regular checkups.

If you want to know about their food habits check our post “Can German Shepherds be Vegetarian?” The post will let you complete knowledge about veganism and the benefits of its nutrients.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post, Stay tuned for more information till then good luck!!!

John Will

Hi!!! I am John, one of the pet lovers with experience of 10 years. In this blog, I provide you the important tips and guidance for your breed. The care and training I give to my pet and the session they need for grooming. I assure you after reading my blog you will have no need for any professional. Thanks for visiting.

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