Are Almonds Safe For German Shepherds? Beware Before Feeding!!!

Girl feeding German Shepherd

One day I was eating Almonds in front of my dog and he was waiting patiently but I wondered before feeding him, can dogs eat almonds? Is it safe to consume almonds?

Although German Shepherds and other animals may enjoy the taste of almonds, it may not be a good idea for them to eat them because doing so might lead to digestive problems, or what doctors refer to as gastric intestinal distress.

Though almonds are not toxic, German Shepherds cannot eat them since they are difficult for dogs to digest compared to humans.

This post will be very helpful to you to know about can German shepherds eat almonds why almonds are not safe for German Shepherds, and its adverse effects. What to do if your German Shepherd eats accidentally.

Let’s go through our topic in detail!

Can German Shepherds Eat Almonds?

Almonds on wooden table

Almonds come in the category of seeds of Prunus dulcis, popularly known as the almond tree. Though they are highly nutritious and rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fats. We often use this type of nuts as snacks and enjoy this type of diet.

These popular tree nuts can’t be given to our dogs and yes German Shepherds can’t eat almonds. However, these nuts don’t contain any toxic substance that other nuts contain but they can’t digest it as quickly as we can.

Feeding almonds may lead to digestive problems, choking hazards, or allergic problems.

So, guys, you should avoid feeding almonds by any means, and if they eat accidentally and they are fine then it’s ok but in any case of emergency, you should immediately take advice from your vets.

Why Almonds Are Not Safe For German Shepherds?

Most nuts might not affect the health of your German shepherd, however, excessive eating can be highly harmful to them.

Because it includes fats and oils that are difficult for dogs to digest, their health will continue to deteriorate. It can also damage their digestive system and may result in diarrhea and they can become weak which will be not a good sign for your dog.

In such a case, every German Shepherd owner should consult their vet for medication as soon as possible for the recovery of their pet.

What Can Be The Adverse Effects Of Eating Almonds?

I hope you have understood why eating almonds is not safe for German Shepherd. Now let’s look at some of the adverse effects of almonds if consumed by your German Shepherd that all German Shepherd owners must know.

Digestive Problems

We all know that ” Excess of everything is bad” can also be implemented in this case. If your German Shepherd eats the bulk of almonds then for sure they will upset their stomach and other intestinal problem may happen.

Almonds have high-fat content and excessive eating can make your German Shepherd sick. The other symptoms to consider are loss of appetite, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, and liver failure.

Choking Hazards

Dogs are generally fast eaters without chewing food items properly and consuming almonds may also lead to a choking hazard.

This may be severely dangerous when your German Shepherd will not be able to breathe because of the blockage in the windpipe. It may lead to death if not gone for medication at the right time.

Never allow your dog to eat too many almonds as there will always be a health risk. Feeding your German Shepherd one or two almonds can’t affect their health so it’s important for every dog owner to provide their pets with healthy snacks.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning may be one of the serious problems if a lot of almonds are eaten by a German Shepherd. Excessive eating may cause dehydration, this occurs due to the consumption of infectious items or toxins.

Almonds also cause a fungal infection known as aspergillosis which is responsible for infecting their immune system, fever, loss of weight, and other diseases.

Loss of appetite

Consumption of almonds may cause loss of appetite. Almonds are dry food and hard in nature as the dogs don’t chew properly they lose their appetite as a result.

German Shepherd is a highly active dog breed but eating almonds may result in weakness and can’t be active because of such type of problem. Though it can be given as an occasional snack in limited quantity and rather you can try some other foods.


Almonds feeding react differently as it may give birth to bloating. This is also a serious problem that everyone should consider. Almonds are a rich source of fatty acid and no doubt if consumed regularly they can face the problem of bloating.

As a result, they can’t be as much action because of the weight gain. You want your dog to be active all the time. So you should be very careful before feeding this nut.

What Can Happen If A German Shepherd Eats Almonds? Initial Symptoms:

You can’t be with your German Shepherd all the time and if they ate almonds in your absence anyhow then you must know about its initial sign and symptoms. and you are seeing the initial sign of nut poisoning then you should do some first aid and immediately meet your vets for their advice and medication.

Their Initial Symptoms may be like this:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of coordination
  • Weakness
  • Stomach upset
  • Fever
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure

However, if they have eaten a few of them in front of you then you can do the initial first aid of inducing vomiting but only after consulting your vets.

What Should I Do If A German Shepherd Eats Almonds?

You need not worry and stay calm if your dog has consumed toxic substances available in almonds.

Here are some of the steps you can follow in case of almonds consumption:

Proper observation

You should observe your German Shepherd properly and try to notice the signs or symptoms of illness like:

  • Gagging
  • vomiting
  • restlessness
  • weakness
  • stomach pain

If you notice any of these signs then you should not waste any moment and visit your nearest vet.

Initial first aid

Eating a few almonds may not affect your dog but if you see any type of symptoms then you should try some first aid.

You can make them vomit so that the toxic they have consumed can be thrown out of their mouth. If their condition worsens then you can take advice from ASPCA or go to your vet.


Seeing the initial symptoms, it will be best for you to get to your nearest vet so that they could not deteriorate further. They will start doing medical care such as applying fluid to them for the prevention of liver damage and to reduce diarrhea.

It is highly recommended to you take special care of your pet so that you as well as your dog can’t suffer in the near future.

Feed Best Alternative Dog Food

You should give your German Shepherds a variety of dog foods in addition to almonds because they all have the same great taste and are beneficial to their health.

If your German Shepherds eat almonds there will always be health risks so it’s better to keep healthy alternatives that do not affect their health.

Also Read: Why My German Shepherd Does Not Eat? Reasons, Precautions, And Cure, A complete guide!!!

Other Nuts That Are Toxic, You Should Look At:

There is always a high risk when your German Shepherd eats almonds. German Shepherds should not be given any nuts other than almonds because they are extremely poisonous. Feeding those may also result in vomiting, fever, tremors, and seizures.

Let’s take a quick look at the nuts that have high-fat content and can’t be fed to German Shepherds:

Black Walnuts Or Macadamia

black wallnut

Eating black walnuts or macadamia nuts will not be a good option to be given to your dog as these nuts also contain toxic and may lead to walnut poisoning among your German Shepherds.

However, its symptoms are shown after 12 hours of consumption. You should be aware of the symptoms that can be caused by eating this type of nuts.


pecans nuts

You should know that nuts are dense in calories and have high-fat content and it’s obvious that large consumption may upset the stomach of your dog and degrades health.

Pecans are nuts that are extracted from the hickory tree. Now, you may wonder what is a hickory tree. Does this tree own pecans and can they eat them?

Hickory trees are wild plants with dense calories and pecans are produced from these trees. No German Shepherd can’t eat pecans because of mildly toxic. It is also high in fat and if consumed in large quantities it may lead to indigestion and may upset the stomach.

Your German Shepherds can also safely eat human foods which can also not affect their health as you should always keep your dog’s food bowl full of the best dog food that provides them full nutrition.

We were discussing almonds and other nuts that can’t be given to German Shepherd but there are also some of the nuts that you can feed them and will not harm them.

What Types Of Nuts Can A German Shepherd Eat?

We were discussing almonds and other nuts that can’t be given to German Shepherds but there are some nuts that you can feed them and will not harm them.

Let’s see what nuts can German Shepherds eat.



In technical words, peanuts are legumes that are grown from their edible seeds. No, it is not a nut, definitely not!

Since the majority of people think of it as a nut and it is also known as an earthnut or groundnut, we are explaining it in terms of nuts for your benefit.The German Shepherd can eat peanuts because they don’t fall within the hazardous list. However, it is also rich in fat so you should feed it in moderation.

Again excessive feeding may lead to stomach upset and ensure to separate its shell, if consumed may lead to choking.



German Shepherds can eat cashews without any problems. They can be occasionally provided and are also high in protein.

Because of the rich content of fat, you should feed this diet in moderation otherwise they may face the problem of bloating.

Avoid giving your GSD chocolate-covered cashews because they are highly poisonous and will injure them if ingested in big quantities.



Oh, Yeh! Chestnuts are edible to German Shepherds. Fiber, fatty acids, and vitamin C are all abundant in them. Once more, it would help if you gave your dog this nut in moderation while keeping your dog’s health in mind.

You can also try it as a treat after making its paste and mixing it into the food you are feeding. They enjoy such type of food, even I also give it to my GSD as a surprise.

Although they are not dangerous, you should feed them in moderation and adhere to the recommended diet. All dog owners should be very strict and follow the safest way of feeding. This not only reduces the chance of avoiding illness but you as well as your GSD will also be always happy.

Since they are so similar, chestnuts can also be referred to as sweet chestnuts and horse chestnuts. German Shepherds should not consume horse chestnuts, commonly known as conkers, because they contain the poison aesculin, which also makes dogs throw up, feel weak, or have gastrointestinal pain. Therefore, it is best to avoid feeding these nuts that harm their health.

Hazelnuts & Almonds

If fed in moderation hazelnuts and almonds are not toxic for your dog but remember these nuts are hard to digest so you can only feed them one or two almonds at a time.

These nuts provide total calorie intake with high-fat content that may lead to pancreatitis in other dogs. If your dog swallows large amounts of almonds then it will affect their health badly so it’s always important to feed them in moderation.

Can German Shepherds Eat Peanut Butter?

Most dogs like to eat peanut butter and they also enjoy its taste but as good dog owners, we should know it this generally safe for them as many nuts contain a chemical compound called theobromine if they are coated in chocolate. But here we want to know if can German Shepherds consume peanut butter.

The answer is Yes, but only in moderation. German Shepherds can consume peanut butter. Artificial sweeteners that might be hazardous to dogs should also be avoided.

The presence of artificial sweeteners can lead to acute liver failure because of the dropping of their blood sugar. The observation of initial symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, seizures, and coordination problems will play a highly crucial role.

As a dog owner, you must be wanting to feed your German Shepherds healthy dog food so you should do proper research or ask your vet for better suggestions.

What Foods Are Poisonous To German Shepherds?

Foods like chocolate and onions should be avoided as these could make your pet ill or even cause death.

Grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts garlic, and chives xylitol (a sugar substitute) are also toxic if ingested by a German Shepherd.

In addition, uncooked bones can splinter and cause injury or blockages in the digestive system of a dog. Feeding them rawhide chews is also discouraged as these items can present choking hazards.

Final Thoughts:

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and understood why German Shepherds can’t eat almonds and the problems they can face after consuming them.

Even though I don’t prefer my German Shepherd to eat any types of nuts try them to feed vegetables or fruits when needed. Guys, just follow the proper diet plan, always give them a healthy snack and make your dog live a healthy & happy life. Stay tuned with us for more info about German Shepherds, till then good luck!!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q1. Can My German Shepherd Eat Cashews?

Cashews have long been regarded as a terrific snack for people, but in this case, we are talking about our canine buddy. Yes, it is suitable for German Shepherds to consume cashews because they are not toxic like macadamia nuts and will not have any adverse effects until they are fed in moderation.

Q2. Can German Shepherds Eat Peanut Butter?

Unless they have a nut allergy, German Shepherds can safely consume peanut butter. Keep in mind that your dog can only consume peanut butter when there is no xylitol present; this harmful ingredient will harm your pet’s health if it is consumed.

Q3. Can German Shepherds Eat Pistachios?

Pistachios have certain health advantages despite not being harmful. German Shepherds can eat this nut, but keep in mind that because it is high in fat, excessive consumption could harm the dog’s health.

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John Will

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