Are Stairs Bad For German Shepherd Puppies?

German Shepherd puppy on stairs

German Shepherd puppies will be the new member of your house if you have adopted them as your pet. They are highly active breeds and love to exercise and play most of the time. There may be questions in your mind about whether stairs can be good for your German Shepherd pups. Are stairs bad for them?

German Shepherd puppies should avoid using stairs until they reach the genuine age where they can’t be hurt or get any issues. So if you letting your German Shepherd puppy use stairs will not be a good idea.

German Shepherd puppies are too young and being a very active breed they want to play most of the time, so there may be a possibility they may also use stairs as it can be very risky for them. The best thing to avoid any type of mishappening is to get knowledge regarding the relevant topic.

This post will be very helpful where you will come to know whether your German Shepherd puppies can use the upstairs or if are stairs bad for them. I have also done some research on this topic and am very excited to share my view in front of you.

Let’s go thoroughly to our topic and discuss it in detail without wasting our precious time:

Are Stairs Bad For My German Shepherd Puppy?

German Shepherd puppy in carpet

German Shepherds are known for their activeness especially when they are in the puppy phase they want to explore their new world. If you have a German Shepherd puppy then it’s obvious that they may use stairs but at the same time, you may also wonder if are stairs bad for them.

Yes, stairs can be bad for your German Shepherd puppy as they can face many health-related issues in the future. They can face joint issues like hip dysplasia if they use stairs regularly as vets also ask not to let your German Shepherd pup use stairs at the puppy phase of their life.

There is always the risk of getting injured when your German Shepherds climb stairs. They may get leg injuries or may hurt their paw if there is unbalance while climbing the stairs. There is also a high chance to get hip dysplasia where their joints are affected.

Hip dysplasia in German Shepherds are very common disease where the hip ball doesn’t fit properly in the socket and as a result, they go through a lot of pain. Regular climbing of the stairs from a very young age is responsible to give birth to such type of issues in them.

If there is any mishappening then your German Shepherd dog may fall from top to bottom leading to the severe head or joint injury. So it becomes highly important for your German Shepherd pups to avoid stairs especially when they are very young.

Why Is It Bad For My German Shepherd Puppy To Climb Up Stairs?

All we know is that German Shepherd puppies are very active and they want to play whenever they get time. We all want our puppies to be safe and secure in our house and want them to get a minimum chance to get any type of injury but what about the use of stairs in your house?

The use of stairs can be bad for your German Shepherd puppy as they can injure themselves while climbing upstairs. They are very young and they can’t get proper balance which may lead them to get a severe injuries.

Regular climbing of the stairs can also lead them to get joint issues like hip dysplasia as we discussed above. If there is any mishappening they can also fall from up to down which may also lead to getting a severe head injury.

GSD pups are very young at an age so they need special care. You should not let them use the upstairs unless they reach the proper age where they can’t be affected even if they climb the upstairs. So again what will be the age where they can climb the stairs that will not affect them?

When Can German Shepherd Puppies Use Stairs?

German Shepherd puppy

My German Shepherd puppy always walks in my whole house which let me get a little worried as there are also stairs. I also get a little worried when he tries to climb. This let me get to know when can German Shepherd puppies use stairs.

When German Shepherd pups become 3 months older they can start using stairs which can be followed until they become adults. However, you should not allow your German Shepherd pup to use stairs in your absence as they get injured because they are very young.

Once your GSD pup master using a few stairs then you can allow them to move further, however, Adult German Shepherds can easily use stairs if they are healthy and do not have any joint issues. So stairs can be used by adult German Shepherds unless they are prone to hip or elbow dysplasia.

However, you can limit their climbing of stairs if they face any joint issues or hip dysplasia. You should not allow them to use stairs if they are suffering from any of these issues.

If your German Shepherd is healthy then you can try to keep your stairs suitable for their walking as it will also reduce the chance to get injured. You should also consider that your German Shepherd pup cannot use the upstairs unless they become 3 months older.

How To Get My German Shepherd Puppy To Use Stairs?

It is always safe to not let your German Shepherd puppy use stairs as they are very young and can get injured during climbing the stairs.

However, when they become 3 months older you can allow your German Shepherds to use stairs but the main thing to know is how you can get your German Shepherd puppy to use stairs.

It is quite simple to let your German Shepherd Puppy use stairs as there are some simple steps following which you will find it easy and your pup will never be hurt. So guys ensure their safety and follow these steps.

Here are the steps which will let you learn to get your German Shepherd puppy to use stairs:

  • Clean your stairs properly by making sure that the stairs have some type of traction support like carpet.
  • After observing all the cleanliness and safety measures you can allow your German Shepherd pup to start from the bottom of the stairs.
  • Provide them treats to encourage them to walk slowly on stairs.
  • Always be patient while making them learn to climb the stairs safely as this will ensure their full security.
  • Never scold them and always use a gentle voice so that they can learn easily and follow your command.

Following the above steps will ensure your young puppies walk comfortably on the stairs but consider their age as you should start this process when they become 3 months older. Be sure about all the safety so that they can never be hurt if they fall from the stairs.

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherd puppies should avoid using stairs unless they become 3 months older. However, adult stairs can be good for adult German Shepherds if they do not have any health issues like hip or elbow dysplasia.

If GSD puppy will start using stairs before their age then there will higher chance to get joint issues or may suffer from hip dysplasia in near future. So using stairs can be bad for them.

The right age for climbing the upstairs is when they become 3 months older but you should be very careful while their climbing. Take proper care to keep your German Shepherd healthy and always use carpet on your stairs so that no mishappening can happen.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q. Should I Let My German Shepherd Puppy Go Up And Down Stairs?

Going up and down stairs for your GSD pup will depend on the stairs you are using and of course, the age of your puppy. If your puppy is too small then it will be difficult for them to climb up as there will be a possibility to get hurt and may injure themselves.

Q. Are Stairs Bad For Adult German Shepherds?

No stairs are not bad for adult German Shepherds unless they do have any health issues like hip or elbow dysplasia. The health of your German Shepherds comes first if they are limping then you should not let them use stairs.

Q. Stairs Provide Good Exercise For My German Shepherd?

Stairs can be a good exercise for German Shepherds as going up and down will allow their muscles to be more stronger and flexible but you must be sure about their safety as unnecessary climbing may injure them.

Q. Can My Older German Shepherd Use Stairs?

Once your German Shepherd has passed adulthood then you should let them use stairs especially when they are suffering from hip and elbow dysplasia. They will go through a lot of pain so one should avoid these stairs rather can use a ramp for them.

Q. Are stairs good for German Shepherds?

Yes, stairs can be good exercise for large dogs like German Shepherds. Stairs provide them with an opportunity to exercise their large muscles and build strength in the legs and joints. It also helps them develop good coordination and agility.

Make sure that when you introduce your German Shepherd to the stairs, they are safe, and make sure not to exceed their physical capabilities too quickly.

Q. Is climbing stairs bad for puppies?

The short answer is no, climbing stairs is generally not bad for puppies as long as they are monitored and proper precautions are taken.

Puppies should only be allowed to climb stairs when supervised, and steps should have a non-slip surface, like a rug or carpeting.

Which dog breeds should avoid stairs?

Small breeds with short legs, such as Dachshunds, should avoid taking the stairs. Other small breeds may also have difficulty navigating steps and will likely benefit from being carried up and down them.

Breeds with joint issues or that are prone to knee and hip pain (e.g. Bulldogs, Pugs) may need extra support when going up and down the stairs too.

Some larger breeds such as German Shepherds may be able to handle stairs just fine but it’s best to check with your veterinarian if you’re unsure about your pup’s ability to handle stair climbing safely.

Can Stairs Cause Hip Dysplasia In A GSD?

The short answer is no, stairs themselves cannot cause hip dysplasia in healthy German Shepherds. However, overexertion of the hips can contribute to or worsen symptoms of hip dysplasia.

Some owners may choose to limit their GSDs access to stairs and ramps, as this type of activity can strain the hips more than walking on level ground.

If your GSD has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, consult your veterinarian before making any decisions regarding your pet’s exercise activities.

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John Will

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