Are German Shepherd Puppies Born Black? Important Facts To Know!!!

German Shepherd dog with puppies

German Shepherd puppies are a trendy breed that comes in various colors. Many of you must have this breed as your pet and must be enjoying their company but at the same time, you may also be wondering what color they are born.

German Shepherd puppies are usually born gray, white, or black with thick fluffy coats that usually change color when they become 6 months older. However, the color of their coat directly depends on the breeding process.

German Shepherd puppies that are born black generally do not change their color even after their age period when most of them change the color of their coat. The actual color of their coat can be determined after the 8 months when they mostly change their color.

There are many misconceptions about their color during their birth so this post will be very helpful for you. Here in this post, you will be able to know:

  • are they born black?
  • Why is the German Shepherd puppy all black?
  • why do they change the color of their coat?
  • Causes why German Shepherd puppies remain black
  • How to tell if your German Shepherd puppy is black?
  • Are German Shepherd puppies a rare breed?

Let’s not waste any moment and discuss this topic thoroughly:

Are German Shepherd puppies all black when born?

German Shepherd puppies become the trending pet for every dog lover because of their cuteness and of course their service. They are also found in various colors but the main question strike the mind is with which color they are born, are they born black?

So are German Shepherd puppies born black? The answer to this question is “yes”, most German Shepherd puppies are born black. They are also born gray or white but the color of the coat will also depend on the breeding process. The actual color of the coat can be determined after 8 months as this is the period they change the color of their coats.

German Shepherd puppies that have silver, tan or red markings all remain black by birth. Though these markings can be easily seen on their legs and face just after their birth and with its help you can observe what color will be your German Shepherd pups when they become mature.

Most German Shepherd breed that is born black remains black even after becoming adults. There will be no change of the color in their coats even after the period every German Shepherd pup changes its coat’s color. The true colors of their coat can be only determined when they become 8 months older.

The colors of the coat of your German Shepherd dog depend directly on the gene’s interaction with pigments like eumelanin and pheomelanin as it determines the actual color of the coats.

Why Is My German Shepherd Puppy All Black?

As we know German Shepherd puppies are found in various colors, they may be red, white, tan, or black. If you have a German Shepherd dog as your pet then you must be also wondering about the color of your German Shepherd puppy. Why are they all black?

German Shepherd puppies remain black because of the recessive solid black gene as their parents must have this solid black color which they forward to their litter. Another way your German Shepherd puppy may be all black is because they are produced after the mating of both the black parents of this little mate.

German Shepherd puppies that are born black remain black even after they become adults and they do not change color when they reach their actual age period where all German Shepherd pups change the color of their coat.

The actual color of every German Shepherd puppy is either black, grey, tan, or white which may change when they grow.

Black German Shepherds have also a double coat and the true color of their coats can only be determined only when they become 8 weeks older as they are in the growing stage and your German Shepherd dog goes through a lot of changes.

Let’s look for some of the causes because of which your German Shepherd puppy is all black:

Causes Why Your German Shepherd Puppy Is All Black

German Shepherd puppies can be colored but because of some reasons, here are some of the causes that will tell you why your German Shepherd Puppy is all black:

Genetic Mutation

German Shepherd puppy is born black because of the genetic mutation that leads them to remain black even after adulthood.

Your GSD pup has a black coat that will be genetic that is also caused by the mutation in the genes among the breeds. If the German Shepherd puppy’s genes are recessive and dominant then pups will also be born solid black.

Both The Parents Are Black

Another reason your German Shepherd puppy remains black all time is because both are parents black. If both the parents are black and after mating, there will higher chance that their pup will also be black. This is also because of the gene their parents have and they transfer to this little mate.

Presence Of pigments Like eumelanin and phaeomelanin

One of the best scientific reasons your GSD pup is black is that it will have the pigments like eumelanin and phaeomelanin present in its genes. These also are transferred from their parents who will be black GSD puppies.

They are born Black

German Shepherd puppies also remain black if they are born black. They will never change their color even after the period when German Shepherd pups go through a lot of changes and change the color of their coats.

How can you tell if a German Shepherd puppy is black?

All we know German Shepherd puppies can be found in various colors. They may be gray, white, tan, or black and you must also know about their color but it also becomes important as owners how can you tell your German Shepherd puppy is black.

When both the parents of a German Shepherd puppy have recessive genes for the black coat, they pass it to their offspring and hence your German Shepherd will be considered a black one. The black coat of the GSD pup is dominant.

Black German Shepherd pups are also considered purebred though it depends directly on the genes of their parents. Although it is difficult to know the actual breed of your German Shepherd pup as you can do DNA tests to know whether they are purebred or not.

Black German Shepherd pups show their dominance as they will be stronger and rich in black color. Though this breed can also be in other coat colors like black and tan, black and red.

The most important thing to consider is that your black GSD puppy will be black even if they will be adult. They do not change their coat color like others during their growing phase.

Black German Shepherd puppies can also be observed through their behavior. There are misconceptions among people that black German Shepherd pups are more aggressive but this is a myth as they are not so aggressive by nature.

There also prevail myths remitting the black color as when people see black cats or dogs they find them as their bad luck but we also know that we all are living in a tech world where there should not be any place of superstition.

These myths can find the truth about the aggressive nature of a black German shepherd dog as these all are only assumptions of the people.

The behavior of all the shepherds depends directly on the training and of course surroundings. Always try to be friendly with your pet and never scold them as they are very young.

But remember most German Shepherd puppies will only show their actual color just after their birth so you should wait for some time for finding their actual color.

Are Black German Shepherd Puppies Rare?

The coat colors that are not found in every breed can be considered rare. Here you must be considering your black puppies and must be thinking are their color rare?

German Shepherd pups with a black coat are a rare breed and can’t be found easily as this coat color can’t be found in the majority of dogs. The rarity of black German Shepherd pups shows the recessive genes that they have been forwarded through their parents.

The rarity of black German Shepherd pups can also be seen after looking at their population in the world. The counting shows that only 6.8% of German Shepherd puppies are solid black in the whole world.

The most common coat color among German Shepherd pups is tan, gray, and white which can be easily found and are also very popular.

Final Thoughts:

German Shepherd pups are born black but not every pup. Their coat color may be tan, gray, white, or black. German Shepherd pups with black coats will not change their coat color even during their growing stage when most of the pups will go through a lot of changes.

The colors of black German Shepherd Shepherds are their parents as they both are black and share their recessive genes with their offspring. Black German Shepherds are also considered to be a rare breed because of their features and physical appearance.

At the same time, if you are willing to have this rare breed then always buy from genuine black German Shepherd breeders as it will let you get solid black GSD.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

Q. How Much Does A Black German Shepherd Cost?

Black German Shepherds may cost around $1500 to $2000. You should consider paying $2000 as there will be registration required for the high-quality breed from AKC. 

The price of a black German Shepherd puppy will not vary between other coats’ color breeds as they will remain the same.

Q. Can German Shepherd puppies be all black?

Yes, German Shepherd puppies can be all black if both parents will have black coats and have recessive genes that may transfer them to their offspring. 

All German Shepherd pups can either be born black, tan, gray, or white though their true color can only be determined only when they become 8 weeks older.

Q. Are all black German Shepherd Puppies more expensive?

The price of a black German Shepherd puppy can be a little higher than other breeds because of the rather. The price of a GSD puppy varies from $700 to $1500 through a breeder but it may go a little higher if you purchase through a reputable breeder like AKC and the price may also increase because of the registration process.

Q. Do black German Shepherd puppies change color?

The answer to this question is “Yes” black German Shepherd puppies also change their color but there will be no impact on the intensity of their color. They will remain black even when they become adults.

Are black and tan puppies born black?

The answer to this question is no – black and tan puppies are not born black. Black and tan puppies are usually born with a light brown or tan color, which will darken over time as the puppy matures.

The specific shade of black that appears on the coat can vary from dog to dog but is often most prominent around the muzzle, paws, and tail.

Are Black German Shepherds Different From Tan German Shepherds?

No, black German Shepherds and tan German Shepherds are not different. They are the same breed, with the only difference being their coat color.

Black German Shepherds have a sleek black coat that is smooth to the touch, while a Tan German Shepherd breed has a lighter-color coat with shades ranging from cream to light brown. Both of these colors are accepted by the American Kennel Club as acceptable colors for all GSDs (German Shepherd Dogs).

In terms of health and behavior, there is no difference between a black and tan dog. Both varieties can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia. However, this condition can affect any dog, regardless of its color.

Why Do German Shepherds Lose Their Puppy Coats?

As German Shepherds mature, they go through a process called “coat blowing,” in which they shed their puppy coat in favor of the longer and thicker adult coat.

The shedding of a dog’s coat usually occurs when the dog is around 8-12 months old. During this period, it may seem like your pup is losing more fur than usual, but this is perfectly normal.

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